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1 pages/≈275 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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HCM-490-R3568 Healthcare Admin Capstone Health, Medicine Essay

Essay Instructions:

in this assignment, consider the following:

What is the topic of your project? What issue will you focus on?

What organization will this impact?

Why did you select this issue?

Reflect on future milestones. Based on the milestones for this course, can you realistically complete your strategic plan presentation with this topic?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Mobile Health Clinics
Student’s Name
Mobile Health Clinics
Two of the main challenges facing the health care in the United States are increasing costs and increasing prevalence of chronic disease; despite the efforts being made to improve access and quality of healthcare. Moreover, there is a growing health disparity in society, and minority groups are the most affected as they often have an added burden of certain diseases and disabilities. Therefore, there is a need to explore and implement new models in the existing health care system to meet the ever-increasing population’s health needs (Stephanie et al., 2017). Otherwise, the system will continue to struggle in the delivery of adequate and equitable health services. Mobile Health Clinics are one of these innovative models.
Mobile Health Clinics (MHCs) offer hospitals an extra channel to deliver healthcare services to the community and will assist in alleviating health disparities in minority groups, particularly the vulnerable and those suffering from chronic diseases. The benefits of MHCs include delivering urgent care, offering preventative health screenings and initiating the management of chronic diseases (Stephanie et al., 2017). Due to their deep penetration into communities, MHCs offer affordable healthcare which is tailored to highly impact and respond to the changing needs of the community.

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