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1 pages/≈275 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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HCM 490 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric Health, Medicine Essay

Essay Instructions:

Overview: In this milestone, you will submit your introduction to the organization and the specific need or issue your project will address.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Phase I—Introduction: In this section, you will give background on your organization, introduce the project that precipitates the strategic plan, and explain what your assessment tools and approach will be. Your introduction should include the following: A. The mission, vision, value statements, structure, and current community position of the organization B. The project topic that is the focus of the strategic plan, including the goal(s) of this project

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Mobile Health Clinics
Student’s Name
Mobile Health Clinics
Lincoln Community Hospital offers healthcare services to the residents and visitors of the eastern Colorado Plains. LCH is a 15-bed critical access, level IV hospital with an attached 35-bed long-term care and three primary care facilities. It was opened in 1959, and since then it has strived to offer the best health care into the rural communities of eastern Colorado (Lincoln Community Hospital, 2019). The hospital culture is based on four core values: quality, comfort, stewardship, and respect. Its mission “Our Family provides high-quality, affordable healthcare to our neighbors and visitors throughout Eastern Colorado” and vision “the first choice for trusted health care services on Colorado’s Eastern Plains” emphasize on the hospital’s commitment to meet the increasing health needs of the community they serve.
LHC evaluated the communities that need health care services and observed that communities to the West of the hospital are growing rapidly and are medically underserved with many without a clinic or local provider. Eastern Colorado is one of the regions medically underserved, and the care is unmanaged. Lincoln Community Hospital is the only hospital along t...
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