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Patient Safety Universal Protocol and the National Patient Safety Goals

Essay Instructions:

1.As the Patient Safety Coordinator you are conducting record audits and reviewing reports from the Army Health Clinic Patient Safety Facilitators, who are an extension of the centralized Patient Safety Program, and you see a pattern that indicates that Universal Protocol is not being done during procedures. As the Patient Safety Coordinator you know your responsibilities are to assist the Patient Safety Program Manager with identifying clinical quality concerns that put patients at risk and also assist in planning, development and implementation of clinically based programs designed to provide high quality, safe care; so how do you take action on this potentially identified risk knowing what your responsibilities are? Describe the steps you would take and details of each of your actions with rationales if appropriate.

2.As the Patient Safety Coordinator you directly support the Patient Safety Program Manager (PSPM) in educating staff and ensuring compliance of the National Patient Safety Goals. Describe, the purpose of the goals and the actions you would take to support the PSPM to accomplish staff education and ensure compliance.



The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. (2012). National Patient Safety Goal. Retrieved from http://www(dot)jointcommission(dot)org/standards_information/npsgs.aspx..

TeamSTEPPS™ Guide to Action. [TeamSTEPPS™: Team Strategies & Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety; developed by the Department of Defense and published by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.] AHRQ Publication No. 06-0020-4. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; September 2006

MEDCOM Regulation 40-54 Universal Protocol

https://arrny. deps.mil/army/cmds/ AMP DocCnt/Shared%20Documents/MEDCOM%20P ublications/Regulations/40 Medical Services/MEDCOM R40-

54 Universal ProtocolProcedureVerificationPoli cy.pdf

MEDCOM Regulation No. 40-4128 Apr 2017

Medical Services


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Patient Safety Coordinator
Students Name
Patient Safety Coordinator
Question 1: Universal Protocol
The Universal Protocol was implemented by the Joint Commission to reduce or eliminate the incidences wrong site surgeries. Wrong-Site surgery comprises of the following instances: surgery on the wrong side or site; on the wrong patient; or wrong surgical procedure. The Joint Commission defined wrong-site surgery as a sentinel event and is the third-highest ranking event. However, there are instances when medical staffs do not adhere to the procedures of the Universal Protocol (UP). In this case, a Patient Safety Coordinator (PSC) discovers that the UP is not being done during procedures in the Army Health Clinic. Among the responsibilities of the PSC is to assist the Patient Safety Program Manager (PSPM) with identifying clinical quality concerns that put patients at risk and also assist in planning, development, and implementation of clinically based programs designed to provide high quality, safe care. The following are the steps the PSC would take on this potentially identified risk of noncompliance to the Universal Protocol.
The PSF must understand that wrong-site surgery is a medical error that is preventable with implementation and compliance of standardized protocol among team members in the perioperative setting. Therefore, the Universal Protocol is a policy for the entire team, including the patient, to adhere to during the surgical procedure. The first step involves establishing evidence-based Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety (TeamSTEPPS) as the AMEDD platform for training, implementation, skill building, and sustainment of teamwork initiatives (MEDCOM Regulation Memo 40-41, 2017).
Team STEPPS is within the MEDCOM Safety Program which is aimed at making healthcare teams that optimize process and patient outcomes. All staff must be well educated on teamwork and asked to embrace it. Patient safety is a team activity that involves coordination, cooperation, and synchronization of all activities necessary to support the needs of patients (TeamSTEPPS, 2006). All staff members including those that are not in direct contact with the patient play a role in making the healthcare environment safe. A patient’s life is dependent on effective teamwork.
The next step involves compliance with the UP. The PSC should assist the PSPM in retraining of the staff on the UP. It should be a continuous process that should be done regularly to ensure that all the staffs are up to date with the UP. Regular comparisons of compliance and procedure should be conducted to track the progress the progress made. The UP consists of the following three processes: a pre-procedure verification process, marking out the procedure site and a Time Out (final verification) (The Joint Commission, 2018). Improving team communication can facilitate patient safety in the pre-procedure verification as a lack of communication between team members leads to many clinical errors. To improve on marking out the site, a “wipe-proof” pen should be used to ensure that the mark is visible after skin preparation and draping. On Time Out Confirmation, the nurse (as the patient advocate) should lead the procedure to ensure it is called. Also, monthly in-service meeting can be conducted to improve compliance with the UP.
Question 2: National Patient Safety Goals
The joint commission established the National Patient Safety Goals (NPSG), evidence-based standards of care, to evaluate the safety and quality of care provided for patients. The goals have specific requirements for protecting patients and are revised on a yearly basis to be more specific in responding to concerns from the field about resources needed to comply with the goals. Several numbers are missing since the goal number is retired and not used again when an NPSG becomes a standard (The Joint Commission, 2018).
Goal 1: Improve the accuracy of patient identification - use at least two patient identifiers when providing care, treatment, and services. Wrong patient error can occur at any stage of diagnosis and treatment. T...
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