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Combining Nurse Leadership With Advocacy

Essay Instructions:

Rate yourself using the results from the "Nurse Manager Skills Inventory":
Write a reflection of 750-1,000 words in which you identify your strengths and weaknesses related to the four content areas below:
Personal and professional accountability
Career planning
Personal journey disciplines
Reflective practice reference behaviors/tenets
Discuss how you will use your current leadership skill set to advocate for change in your workplace.
Identify one personal goal for your leadership growth and discuss your implementation plan to achieve that goal.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

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Combining Nurse Leader with Advocacy
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Combining Nurse Leader with Advocacy
With each passing day, people learn about themselves, and in these moments, one can know how far they can go as well as their limits. Growth cannot happen if we are not able to know who we are as well as know what makes us strong and what amounts to being a weakness. So, rating myself using the Nurse Manager Skills Inventory has helped me understand myself better as well as know the areas I need to work on. Thus, below is an elucidation of some of my strengths and weaknesses as they relate to the different aspects outlined below.
Personal and professional accountability
Before one can be accountable professionally, they have to be accountable to themselves. All the good and bad of the world comes from the inside going out and not the other way around. Krautscheid (2014) notes that nurses have to be accountable to themselves and others. If the goal of offering high standards of care and enhancing the health of patients is to be achieved, Krautscheid notes that nurses have to be accountable.
On account of being personally and professionally accountable, my strength lies in being honest with myself and with my colleagues. Being honest with myself has helped me work on my flaws as well as be a team player. Without honest accounts, a workplace or a team cannot function because people will be withholding information and working towards achieving personal instead of team goals. However, having known this, I have endeavored to work hard ensuring that I am always honest with myself, my team, as well as the nursing profession ethical codes of conduct.
However, I have one major weakness here which revolves around being selfish. The weakness is my incessant ability to want to defend myself or take a defensive approach to situations. At times, I find myself trying to defend my approach or take instead of engaging in a discussion objectively. Even though I at times become aware of this habit, it does hinder any meaningful discussion, and I end up being a hindrance to development.
Career planning
When it comes to career planning, one has to know their current position, assess their career path, and position themselves in ways that will help them achieve any career targets they have. One needs to know how best they can improve themselves as well as work towards attaining one’s goals. As a strength, I believe I know my current position as well as my responsibilities. The responsibilities are not limited to what I am doing but include my commitment to the job as well as to the welfare of my patients. The nurse manager skills helped me realize that my strength lies in knowing where I am right now. However, on career planning, my weakness lies in not having a clear goal. While I am enjoying my time right now, I believe that in not having a clear strategy of knowing where I am headed or where I would like to be in a few years is problematic.
Personal journey disciplines
Well, as indicated above, I ...
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