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Bedside Nursing Shift Report. Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay

Essay Instructions:

Please review and use these articles.

1) Article 1: A quantitative assessment of patient and nurse outcomes of bedside nursing report implementation by Sand-Jecklin K1, Sherman J.

2)Article 2: Investigating the bedside nursing report: a synthesis of the literature by Sherman J1, Sand-Jecklin K2, Johnson J1.

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Bedside Nursing Shift Report
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Bedside Nursing Shift Report
Nursing reporting is one of the methods used to improve nursing practice and impacts on the patients' outcomes. Bedside reporting is one of the methods utilized to quantify the outcomes through a blended form of bedside communication. It contributes to patients improvement and influences the correct delivery of information. Moreover, there is a significant improvement in the assessment of patient when bedside reports are implemented.
According to Sand‐Jecklin & Sherman, (2014), positive outcomes were documented in the implementation of a bedside shift report. At the end of the study, the nurses' attitudes at the end were more favourable as compared to the pre-implementation period. One of the significant events that contribute to patient miscommunication occurs during the patients' handoffs, and this could also lead to other problems linked to safety. On the contrary, bedside nursing handoffs contribute to improved communication and reduced cases of misinterpretation thus improving patients satisfaction (Sand‐Jecklin & Sherman, 2014). The process also allows patients to be in a better position to access the required information regarding their treatment.
Even though bedside practices considered as critical methods of enhancing patient outcomes across major facilities, many issues have noted across the healthcare sectors. For instance, Sherman, Sand-Jecklin & Johnson, (2013) pointed out that independent variables affect patient care practices based on bedside reporting, and this limits the effective implementation of the program. Through the study conducted by the authors, there was an improved perception through the bedside shifts reports (Sherman, Sand-Jecklin & Johnson, 2013). Furthermore, increased nursing accountability from bedside shifts reports.
Nurse-patient relationship contributes majorly to the recovery process of the patients. Bedside reporting promotes this process by ensuring that the patients and nurses interact and increase their ability to answer the physician questions. Close monitoring and interaction further reduce the patient's discharge time by increasing the strength of nurses to respond to the required patients' needs (Sherman, Sand-Jecklin & Johnson, 2013). Prompt responses lead to improved treatment and the ability to provide psychological needs where necessary. Implementation of the bedside reporting reduces adverse patient outcomes. The method also contributed to enhanced teamwork and better prioritization of patient care at the start of the shift.
According to (Sand‐Jecklin & Sherman, 2014), most of the healthcare facilities have failed to adopt the program due to complexity in the nursing care management that often leads to poor nurse-patient interactions. Moreover, they also viewed that the process of introducing the bedside reporting is time-consuming and contributed to significant complexities connected to the emergency (Sand‐Jecklin & Sherman, 2014). The implementation also increased pressure created to the nursing care practices contributes to significant problems that arise from incorrect information and lack of privacy to the patients. It, therefore, leads to lower self-esteem and lower recovery rate to the patients. Although the general uncontrolled variables contribute
From the class readings, it is evident that bedside reporting (BSR) promotes patients' recovery outcome (Sand‐Jecklin & Sherman, 2014, and Sherman et al., 2013). However, implementation of the method faces dynamic challenges since it requires more time and resources for training and other purposes of delivering information. Based on the growing rates of misinterpretation, I think bedside reporting promotes the integration of new healthcare models aimed at improving patient care practices. Practical and accurate reporting provides a room for reliable systems that would address major reporting challenges in the nursing practice. It also facilitates the application of the right interventions for short and long-term health conditions.
BSR creates a two verifier system that allows the oncoming nurse to verify with the off going nurse. For instance, the oncoming nurse of physicians confirms the I.V medications, blood compatibility issues and possible drug reactions. Monitoring, other cases such as surgical wounds and the patient's appearance determines the efficiency of the reporting. The process, therefore, creates a room for the patients to conduct enquiries and establish the right goals toward recovery.
Most of the healthcare personnel prefer handoff reporting. Consequently, it hinders effective BSR implementation across different healthcare providers. Sand‐Jecklin & Sherman, (2014) explained that i...
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