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Strategic Planning and Program Sustainability in Healthcare

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Strategic Planning and Program Sustainability in Healthcare
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Strategic Planning and Program Sustainability in Healthcare
Nowadays, sustainability is the foundational and fundamental concept in public health, administration, policy-making and politics. Sustainability Framework is an organizational method to make sustainability in public healthcare accessible and is emphasized by local stakeholders, such as healthcare providers and project staff.
Domains of Sustainability Framework
The structure of the sustainability framework depends on its domains. Often, policymakers are not aware of the significance of these domains; however, they play a vital role in the sustainability approach of practitioners and healthcare providers in the United States. Eight compiled domains stand on the three pillars of the framework; economy, environment, and society (Batan et al., n.d.). They are all interrelated. The first one is Environmental Support, which means that your policy must have political recognition and support.
A vital example of this is any healthcare bill that is passed in the senate for a state or community. Another domain is the Stability of Funds; your organization or facility must have a consistent funds pool to keep providing solutions to the population and to run the program (Rural Health Information Hub, 2018). For example, many programs have federal funds flow as a result of taxes, and some generate funding from the public’s donations, nonetheless maintaining the stability to keep the program running.
The partnership is also a strong domain that emphasizes cultivating connections and having effective communication between your program and the stakeholders (CDC, 2018). It ensures that your professional relationships are strong enough to support your program in any tough times. The fourth domain is Organizational Capacity; this means that your program must have internal-structural support and strength to withstand any discrepancies and the resources to manage them (CADCA, 2010a). Therefore, if there is disordered randomness, it must be figured out and settled before it causes problems in the program or among the stakeholders.
Next domain is Program Evaluation, in which experts must assess your program and its organization regarding the authenticity of documentation and credibility. For example, if the program structure has any unaddressed loopholes, they must be fixed in time (CADCA, 2010b). Another domain is the adaptation of the program, meaning that you must take measures as an organization to make sure your plan is useful in the long run. It is useful to make sure that your program is beneficial for a large population or community.
As mentioned earlier,...
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