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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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CULTURAL ADVOCACY. Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay

Essay Instructions:

Module 6: Discussion: Cultural Advocacy -

Guiding resources:

Module 6: Cultural Advocacy Scenarios

Module 6: Supplemental Readings for Cultural Advocacy Scenarios

Module 6: Assigned Scenarios for Cultural Advocacy Discussion

Guiding documents:

NUR 391 Discussion - Cultural Advocacy Directions with Headings 10-8-2020.docxPreview the document

NUR 391 Discussion - Cultural Advocacy Rubric with Repeating Headers 10-1-2020.docxPreview the document

NUR 391 Discussion: Cultural Advocacy


This assignment addresses Program Completion Outcome: 2, Course Learning Outcome: 7, & Baccalaureate Essentials: 3, 6, & 9

Purpose of Assignment:

The purpose of this assignment is for students to apply knowledge of multicultural diversity and racial and ethnic disparities in health and evaluate cultural competency and nursing advocacy. As nurses, we encounter diversity in all aspects of our work from encounters with our colleague, to caring for our patients and families. Being a cultural advocate requires that the nurse be culturally sensitive: respectful of other's beliefs, values, and practices when advocating for patient's rights.

Students in one group will be assigned different scenarios. The assigned scenario for each student will be posted by the second week of the term.

Please read this assignment in its entirety before beginning the activity.

Assignment Directions

Initial Post Objectives:

Each student will address the following objectives based on the assigned scenario and the student’s chosen cultural advocacy model.

Paragraph 1

Describe your assigned scenario. (No need to cite scenario.)

Discuss one cultural issue/concern that you feel is the most significant in the scenario.

Name the cultural advocacy model/theory that you will be using. Must be a cultural advocacy model/theory.

Place the name of the cultural advocacy model/theory in quotation marks.

Attempted to cite the name of the cultural advocacy theory/model. Include author(s), year, quotation marks, and page number for an article (or paragraph number under the section for a website.) See pages 12-13 in the APA formatting handout for examples.

Paragraph 2

Explain why you selected this cultural advocacy model/theory for your scenario.

Attempted to cite the name of the cultural advocacy model/ theory with author(s) and year if paraphrasing or author(s), year, quotation marks, and page number for an article (or paragraph number under the section for a website) if citing a direct quote.

Explain why the nurse's (or other team member's) action or inaction was inappropriate according to the chosen cultural advocacy model/theory or other cultural resource(s).

Attempted to cite your cultural advocacy model/ theory or other cultural resource(s) with author(s) and year if paraphrasing or author(s), year, quotation marks, and page number for an article (or paragraph number under the section for a website) if citing a direct quote.

CHAPTER HINT: If using textbook, use author of chapter for chapter citations. If citing author(s) noted within the chapter text, use the secondary citation format.

SECONDARY CITATION HINT: (Cited Author, cited year, as cited in Chapter Author, book year, p. X). If cited year is not available, then skip. The matching reference would be the reference for the chapter.

Paragraph 3

Suggest a culturally sensitive alternative action. (What would you suggest as a nurse?)

Attempted to cite your cultural advocacy model/theory or other cultural resource(s) to support action with author(s) and year if paraphrasing or author(s), year, quotation marks, and page number or an article (or paragraph number under the section for a website) if citing a direct quote.


Place the heading, References, above the reference entries.

Use at least two references.

Each citation must have a matching reference entry, and each reference entry must have a matching citation.

Place entries in alphabetical order by author.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Cultural Advocacy
Student's Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Title
Submission Date  
Cultural Advocacy
A 23-year old of Somali origin walks into the emergency department lamenting of severe pain in her abdomen. Imaging results show that she needs urgent surgery to remove her inflamed appendix. A young surgical resident arrives and speaks with her about the importance of undertaking the surgery. Still, she refuses it despite acknowledging that she understands everything the young surgeon told her. Instead, she asks whether an older and more experienced surgeon will talk about the surgery with her. The young resident surgeon gets frustrated and tells her that he has performed over 100 such surgeries and that another doctor will provide her with the same information. (Madeleine Leininger’s Transcultural Nursing Theory)
I picked Madeleine Leininger’s Transcultural Nursing Theory because it addresses the cultural beliefs that different people hold. The theory acknowledges that various cultures have to vary caring behaviors, values, a...
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