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Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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ADOLESCENT. Health, Medicine, Nursing Assignment.

Essay Instructions:

Discussion Question 3: Drawing on the Issues across the last two weeks (Issues 6 & 7), which issue has the larger potential impact on adolescents' identity and psychosocial development (particularly with respect to peer relationships and perceptions)--(a) coming out as a sexual minority, or (b) navigating a sexual double standard?

Pick a side to defend and articulate your opinions in your Discussion Question 3 ORIGINAL POST, using course readings, lectures, and online resources (if applicable) to support your ideas.



Chapter 8: Identity (Steinberg)

Describe how pubertal, cognitive, and social transitions affect an adolescent's identity development.

Discuss the different approaches researchers and theorists have taken to investigate the question of how an individual's sense of identity changes over the course of adolescence.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Institutional Affiliation
Health, Medicine, Nursing
Several issues may negatively affect the physical and mental well-being of adolescents. These issues tend to affect adolescents’ identity, psychological development, especially how they relate with their peers or are perceived by others. Notably, factors such as adolescents being identified as a sexual minority or being treated to sexual double standards by society can negatively impact their development. These are challenges that may have different intensities in their impacts on teenagers’ identity and development. Sexual double standard entails women and men being judged or treated differently for the same behaviors. On the other hand, being a sexual minority means that one has a sexual identity or orientation different from the majority in society. Among the two issues, I believe that being identified as a sexual minority may significantly impact teenagers.
Over the years, people identified as being sexual minorities tend to face certain discrimination from society. According to Ru...
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