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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Ethical decision making. Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay

Essay Instructions:

Write a 1,250-1,500 word paper in which you explore decision-making methods that can be used to resolve an ethical dilemma using the scenario provided in the assigned reading, "An Unconscious Patient With a DNR Tattoo." Describe how to use the principles of ethical decision making (reviewed in this topic) to help resolve this ethical dilemma. Address the scenario to generate your conclusions about how you would proceed.

What are the dimensions of the ethical dilemma?

What are the potential organizational policies to which you will refer?

Analyze the situation using one of the ethical theories discussed in the textbook. Describe how one might formulate assistance to the clinical staff using this theory.

Describe the importance of reasoning in the decision-making process.

Considering this dilemma, describe how a Christian worldview would inform ethical responsibilities?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ethical Decision Making
Institutional Affiliation
Ethical Decision Making
The ethical dilemma involves an elderly man who was brought to the emergency department unit while intoxicated. The man was brought unconscious and suffered from various underlying issues such as diabetes mellitus, atrial fibrillation, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The intensive care unit staff were determined to revive the man, however, he had a tattoo with the impression “Do not resuscitate (Holt et al., 2017). This order meant the emergency medical personnel couldn’t perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on the man to revive his breathing and heart beating. In many cases, the DNR order covers only CPR which means it can allow healthcare providers to offer other forms of treatment to a patient. A patient may choose to have a DNR order due to possible health complications that may result from performing CPR such as brain damage and broken ribs. They may survive and suffer from a lower quality of life or poor functioning. The resuscitation may also leave the patient to cause more burden than benefits such as the financial costs of being in a support machine or ventilators (MSD, 2018). So, the DNR order is a critical end of life decision made by a patient who feels it is better off for healthcare provides to leave them to die than to survive a resuscitation procedure.
This situation raises an ethical dilemma for the health care providers do they respect the man’s wishes of ‘’Do not resuscitate” or should they use the CPR medical intervention to revive the man and prevent him from dying. The goal of healthcare is to offer treatment that would save and protect the life of a patient. So, the DNR order leaves them with the choice of neglecting the patient’s wishes and saving his life or following the patient’s wishes and leaving him to remain unconscious till he dies. Furthermore, the patient is intoxicated leaving the likelihood it was inscribed due to the influence of alcohol. Another ethical dilemma is the man’s next of kin are not nearby. In DNR situations, the families may not understand the complexities involved in the intervention. They may not have understood the man’s wishes of not performing a DNR and there is the possibility they would blame the healthcare providers for not saving their kin’s life (Holt et al., 2017). To handle this scenario, the primary caregivers that are nurses need ethical competence to ensure an ethically responsible decision is made.
In this scenario, various organizational policies based on ANA’s code can be used to administer care to patients with DNR orders. First, the patients deserve equal care like other patients which means nurses can use medical interventions that alleviate suffering or promote wellbeing while respecting the wishes and preferences of the patients. In this situation, the nurses can explore alternative techniques which can bring benefits to the patient. Second, nurses should follow the policy that the DNR order takes the highest priority even if it contradicts with the wishes of the family or care provider. This policy is applicable when the patient has a sound decision-making capacity where they can make informed choices. By getting the written DNR order duly signed by a physician the nurses ensure they follow the wishes of the patient. Third, nurses must collaborate with other professionals within the healthcare team. By working together the best practices can be employed in this scenario that will maintain the integrity of the medical profession. Collaborations ensure the healthcare team takes a similar position on the issue of the DNR decision and helps the team to follow the organization’s policies and processes. Forth, a nurse can access the ethical resources available within the organization (American Nurses Association, 2012). This means in situations of uncertainty or dilemma such as this scenario they can consult the ethical committee who can provide the necessary recommendations to make the appropriate DNR decision.
The deontology theory is applicable in this ethical dilemma. It involves the clinical staff following the duty or obligation they have towards patients. Actions are morally good if they align with the rules of law. Unethical actions are those that don’t comply with the law or policies. The deontology theory will help the clinical staff to take actions that fall in line with the healthcare policies. It lays less emphasis on the consequences and so in this scenario, the focus is complying with the duty of following the patient’s wishes. The theory yields consistent ethical decision making since the clinical staff...
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