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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Self-Reflection Assignment. Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay

Essay Instructions:

Self-Reflection Assignment

The student will compose one reflective piece about the learning experience in the critical care setting. This scholarly paper will utilize concepts learned within the classroom as a comparison to those learned experiences within the clinical setting, as it applies to the critical care patient using the following guidelines:

Consistently in depth, thoughtful reflective analysis of all 4 topics: nursing process and care planning, clinical practice, critical thinking and professionalism.

Reflections/ Personal Response/Specific clinical examples from clinical experiences

Examination of learning & knowledge of self & excellent understanding of critical care nursing as well as Relevance to Classroom Concepts

Appropriate inclusion of scholarly nursing journal articles to contribute to & strengthen the reflection

Appropriate formatting using APA, as well as scholarly writing and proper grammar

please for the clinical example please come up with something that will work with the instructions like you did something to help patient safety or communicated therapeutically with a patient or a family with a dying member. please let me know if you have any questions and please follow the instructions above carefully. thank you.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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The most important aspect of being a nurse is understanding all nursing processes and care planning. It is such processes that are applied in the hospital setting to help patients. Therefore, if a nurse does not have much information about this topic, they might not be able to accord patients the necessary care (Aasmul, Husebo & Flo, 2018). The nursing process and care planning are among the topics that I found to be most interesting. The concepts learned are an emphasis on what I have been doing in the clinical setting. However, the classroom concepts were more elaborate, and they have enhanced my abilities to provide patients with quality healthcare. I have learned a lot of concepts that I never knew about. At the end of the course, I believe I will be more useful in the clinical setting that I used to be. The chapter outlines all the processes and care plans a nurse is expected to execute in the clinical setting. Understanding these concepts is important to every nurse because it helps improve the quality of services they offer the patients. The nursing process involves identifying the patient's health condition and outlining a plan to eradicate the health issue. Therefore, it is the core process that every nurse ought to understand. I have gained a lot of information by studying this topic. I am more confident in evaluating a patient's health conditions than I used to be.
Through the time I have worked as a nurse, I have learned a lot regarding nursing critical care. The datils being taught in the classroom will help in expanding my knowledge. I hope that I will be able to positively impact my organization once I have completed the course. An example of a clinical example is when I attended an older male patient who had just come from liver surgery. The patient required a lot of bed rest, and therefore, I had to be reachable whenever they needed any help. As the patient continued to recuperate, I would help them get out of bed. Before the patient was discharged from the hospital, I got a chance to talk to one of their family members. I outlined the various ways they would use to ensure the patient's safety and improve health. This indicates that I need to understand the nursing process and care planning at a deeper level. This information would be helpful when dealing with patients suffering from different health conditions. The care process of a patient does not end as soon as they leave the hospital. Depending on their condition, they might need a family member to take care of them. In this case, the family member has to be educated on what to do to promote the patient's wellbeing. If a nurse understands the nursing process and care planning, they will find it easy to direct the patient and family members to take care of the patient.
The clinical practice topic has made me realize that there is a lot that I have to learn regarding nursing. Nursing is more than evaluating a patient's health condition and coming up with ways to treat the condition. Nursing requires that an individual can adhere to the set rules of practice within the clinical setting (Kim, 2018). Clinical practice is designed to promote the well-being of patients. It outlines the general regulations that nurses ought to follow ...
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