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Business Plan Development: SWOT analysis

Essay Instructions:

needs 2 schollarly references less than 5 years old APA

For any new project or revision of a current process, key questions that will need to be answered are whether it's needed, does the institution have the capacity to support it, what is already in place that will facilitate implementation, and what are the downsides or barriers to development. In short, the SWOT analysis is a necessary component of planning a project and preparing the business plan. Critically examine your PICO(T) and project proposal through the lens of a SWOT analysis of your organization. Determine and describe what information you know and what you need to find out to complete a SWOT analysis that will provide rationale and validity for your project.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
PICOT Question
P- Healthcare workers and hospitalized patients
I- Practicing hand-hygiene practices and wearing protective clothing
C-Improper hand washing and the absence of other solutions like wearing masks
O- The reduced prevalence of healthcare-associated infections
T-8 weeks
SWOT Analysis
* Highly skilled and collaborative team
The institution has a great team of health care professionals who are collaborative in whatever they do. Having such a collaborative team makes it easier to implement an organizational practice and make it a rule. The team will implement the recommendations that will be made regarding the process of reducing the prevalence of health-associated infections.
* Uninformed patients
The patients tend to focus on the specific illnesses affecting them and forget about the dangers that they subject themselves or others by refusing to adhere to some of the basic hand-hygiene practices. In addition, there are some healthcare workers who have not yet learned to observe hand hygiene practices (Shobowale, Adegunle, & Onyedibe, 2016). Such tendencies put even those who abide by the practices at risk of getting infected.
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