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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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MS Word
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Cancer Effect on Body Tissues

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Cancer Effect on Body Tissues
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Cancer Effect on Body Tissues
The body is made up of trillions of cells that tend to divide and spread throughout the body. In essence, cancer can start from any part of the body. In a normal situation, human cells tend to grow and are divided to form new ones, which are required for different body functions. When a cell becomes old or is damaged, they usually die, and the body forms new ones. However, this sequence is becomes broken in case cancer develops. This development results in old and damaged cells not dying while new ones are formed when not needed and lead to growths known as tumors. Most cancers usually result in solid tumors, which are usually masses of tissue (Heidari & Gobato, 2019). Nevertheless, some cancers, such as those of the blood, like leukemia, do not form solid tumors. In this sense, most cancers tend to have massive effects on body tissues.
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