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Importance of Developing a Healthy Habit

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Health Habit Project
Progress Update
Developing a healthy habit is really a tough challenge that requires discipline and commitment. It was tough for me to be consistent in tracking my cigarette count, but in comparison to the previous update, I am more comfortable with my routine, and it feels a lot more natural than before. I also noticed that I was better at juggling school and other responsibilities, on top of cigarette monitoring and counting. I implemented setting the alarm as a reminder of my goals even during the times I get busy with school assignments and other errands. Despite doing this, there are still a few moments when I find myself having difficulty concentrating on whatever I’m doing, maybe because of the pressure I put on myself to be consistent in my health habit project. I tried addressing this by putting sticky-note reminders on places that are often visible to me, such as an area in my room and on my study table. It consisted of my short personal message to myself and the purpose behind why I am trying to alter my health habits, and writing it down helped put my mind at ease even for a few minutes while also helping me organize my own thoughts and keep my eye on the goal. I am proud of the improvement that I felt evident in my behavior and thought process, and I believe this brings me closer to my goal.
Data measurement and tracking methods
Monitoring the number of cigarettes that I smoke each day has become a routine that feels somewhat more natural compared to the previous weeks. I still record my data on a notebook which is accessible and useful in quickly showing me how well I am doing in tracking my cigarette use and whether I am successful in trying to decrease my cigarette consumption per day. The number of cigarettes that I was able to consume during the times that I was distracted and did not focus on tracking is surprisingly a lot more, and keeping track really reduces the cigarette consumption per day. The data also helps me understand my habits and my own behavior concerning this journey. By having a good understanding of my own behavior, I know what kind of adjustments or adaptations I need to do in the next days so that I can assure a more successful outcome bringing me closer to my goals.
If I were to repeat this behavior change journey, I would still use a tracker to monitor my progress and behavior, but I now know that the best method depends on the lifestyle of the individual, so it should be efficient, accessible, and personalized. The involvement of other people in data collection also adds accountability and m...
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