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Research poster. The Psychological Effects of Maternity Leave.

Essay Instructions:


Research Poster Assignment
Instructions: You will work independently to design a research poster based on theresearch study that you and your team came up with.Why make a research poster?Posters are an important research tool for a number of reasons. They help to highlightyour most important findings, and offer excellent practice in scientific writing andpresentation. Poster presentations are the most common type of presentation atconferences and getting a poster accepted to a conference is a great CV booster. Onceyou are at a conference, having a good poster is important because it attracts morepeople to your session and therefore opens up opportunities for networking.Your poster must include the following sections:Title• Your title should be written in very large font• Your title should be interesting in order to draw attention to your poster• Your title should be a short and to-the-point summary of your research (i.e.,Effect of X on Y- only interesting)Title Format: Your title should NOT be written in all caps. Your title should be written ineither sentence case (Your title should look like this) or in title case (Your Title ShouldLook Like This).Introduction• Use bullet points• Use plain language- do not use jargon. People from outside of psychology shouldbe able to clearly understand everything you are describing.• Provide a very brief overview of the past research on the topic and cite yoursources (in-text citations)• Provide a clear explanation of why your research is important. Why does itmatter?• Introduction should end with info about your research (i.e. “The present researchaimed to examine the effect of X on Y”).Materials and Methods• Use bullet points• Briefly describe your participants, design, procedures, and the dependentvariables (DVs) used in your studyResults (graphics)• Your results are arguably the most important aspect of your poster and should befront and center• Ideally your results should be presented as graphs or tables (graphs arepreferable)• In addition to your graphics you will also include a bulleted section describingyour results in writingBEH.456Ruelens Fall 2020Conclusions/Discussion• Use bullet points• Describe the major takeaways from your studyo How does your study contribute to the greater literature?o What are the implications or practical applications of your findings?o What are some limitations of your research study?o What can future researchers do to fill the gaps that remain in theliterature?References• APA-style reference section that includes all of the citations referenced in yourposter• Remember, you should only include sources in your reference list that areactually cited in your poster. So, if you only cite 3 sources, your reference listshould only have those three sourcesNOTE: You can copy and paste sentences from your final research paper directly intoyour poster however, make sure that any information included in your poster is clear,concise, and to the point.Things to consider when formatting your poster• Poster dimensions must be 48in x 36in• Poster must not be too wordy (ideally no more than 800 words)• Use font sizes greater than 24pt. Someone should be able to clearly read themost important points on your poster from 10 feet away, so bigger font is better.• Use Arial font throughout.o If you want your section headers (Introduction, Methods etc…) to be in adifferent font than the rest of your poster, this can work but that should bethe only font difference.• Make each section easy to identify (e.g., Bold or otherwise enhance eachsection title: Intro, Methods, Results, Discussion, References etc…)• Keep spacing consistent throughout your postero In other words, the amount of space underneath and between eachsection (Intro, Methods etc…) should be consistent. You should not haveone inch of space under the Intro and then no space under the methods.The idea is to keep things as consistent and symmetrical as possible.• Ensure a clear flow of informationo In other words, your Introduction must come before your Methods whichcomes before your Results which come before your Conclusions etc…(see examples in the PPT slides for more information)• You can use one of the templates provided but you do not have to, you are freeto start from scratch when making your poster.o If you choose to use one of the templates, you are encouraged to movethings around, change colours etc… to fit your needso You are welcome to create a poster that fits the more standard format oryou can use the newer format. You can also create a poster thatmarries the two (this is preferable).BEH.456Ruelens Fall 2020How to design a poster in PowerPointNOTE: Publisher provides a greater variety of poster design tools and some peopleprefer to use it, but since not everyone has access to Publisher, and since it is harder tolearn, you will use PowerPoint for your poster in this class.1. Open a new PowerPoint document2. Go to DESIGN- (Slide Size)→ PAGE SETUP3. Set the dimensions to 48inches x 36inces4. To add colors and background, go to DESIGN, then BACKGROUND STYLES,and then FORMAT BACKGROUND• Might be DESIGN→ FORMAT BACKGROUND depending on your version5. When selecting a color for your background, remember that light is best becausea dark font shows up clearly on it. Avoid using a very bright or dark background.6. You can choose a solid color, or a gradient. For either selection, you can slidethe TRANSPARENCY bar at the bottom to make the color lighter and moretransparent.7. You will notice that you start with two boxes on your slide. The long rectangularbox can be moved to the top to accommodate your title.8. To add more boxes, go to INSERT-TEXT BOX. You can drag your boxes arounduntil you have them where you want them and then you can re-size them. Youmight want to start with 6 boxes: one for your title, one for your intro, one formethods, one for results, one for your discussion/conclusions, and one for yourreferences (add more as needed)9. You can add a chart or graph to your presentation by clicking in a box and goingto INSERT-CHART. You will find that there are a variety of graphs to add. Selectwhichever works best for your data.• For more information about how to add a chart or graph:https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/use-charts-and-graphs-in-yourpresentation-c74616f1-a5b2-4a37-8695-fbcc043bf526

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Psychological Effects of Maternity Leave
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
The Psychological Effects of Maternity Leave
* Pregnancy and childbirth are milestones of families, but these also impose issues with regards to stress, health, and the safety of both mother and child.
* A sufficient period is required for mothers to recuperate and adjust after undergoing childbirth (Ahammer, Halla, & Schneeweis, 2020).
* Various organizations generally give a specific period of maternity leave before the mother may go back to work to promote rest and the provision of the basic needs of the child (Bainbridge & Broady, 2017).
* The clients, Brynn Kitt, want to know if extending the current 8-week maternal and paternal policy would result in a positive effect on children, parents, and the company.
* This research paper will discuss the effects of maternity leave greater than eight weeks on the physical and psychological health of both mothers and children.
Materials and Methods
* The design was quasi-experimental.
* A quasi-experimental design emphasizes manipulation of the variables without random assignments on orders of conditions or to conditions (Rasmussen, 2010).
* In the study, the independent variable is the length of leave, while the dependent variable is emotional well-being.
* The participants in this study were adult women of all backgrounds that have been on maternity leave.
* All participants admitted were 18 years or older and experienced no health conditions at the time of the study. Around 1000 participants were included for the primary sample frame.
* Participants were compensated for their time with gift baskets that contain baby formula, diapers, and grocery gift cards.
* The study included three comparative groups: The first group included mothers that had 6-weeks of maternity leave, the second group included mothers that had 8-weeks of maternity leave, and the third group included mothers that had 10-weeks of maternity leave.
* In this study, emotional well-being was operationalized as both future-mindedness and economic anxiety. No manipulation was needed in this study.
* Research gathered surveys that require the only reflection on participant experiences.
* Stimuli were not used for this study. Future-mindedness and economic anxiety will be measured in two separate surveys.
* Both surveys consisted of twenty questions in a Likert scale format. Each question will be scored from 1-5, corresponding to the range of answers strongly disagree to strongly agree.
* Strongly disagree being 1, disagree being 2, neutral being 3, agree being 4, and strongly agree to be 5. A t-test was the measuring tool to access the participant’s responses between the comparison groups at six (6) weeks, eight (8) weeks, and 10 weeks.
* A score of at least 80, responding at least agree (4) on every question, translates to someone being very future-minded.
* A score of at least 80, responding at least agree (4) on every question, translates to someone being very anxious from economic experiences.
* Surveys were anonymous and only identified by the length of maternity leave noted by participants.
* This research focused on the relationship between parental leave and its effects on parents’ well-being.
* Through the use of surveys, the participants were assessed their well-being based relative to the parental-leave policies of their workplaces and the state policies that support them.
* It was expected that paternal well-being (...
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