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4 pages/≈1100 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Balanced Score Card. Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay

Essay Instructions:

Paper Requirements

Actual balanced scorecard tool (Please see example below). This must be built in Excel.


Build metrics being tracked - Building in mock numbers is required, lean on research to educate yourself on how these metrics impact organizations and where you would want your organization to fall in these areas to meet your goals.

Label scorecard with red/yellow/green - as seen below. Please review in Chapter 4 what these colors help indicate in a scorecard.

Metrics range that correlate to red/yellow/green

Identify range, actual and target

Definition page to explain the metrics and measurements

References in APA formatting

No minimum page requirement but must meet all requirements stated above

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Balanced Scorecard
Balanced Scorecard
In any business undertaking, it is usually assumed that what you measure is what you get. Within an organization, the measurement approaches employed are what will determine the attitude and behaviors of the managers. Notably, executives also understand that conventional procedures for measurement can give misleading information that harm the progress and innovations within the organization. While the measures worked effectively in past years, the new challenges faced by organization in the contemporary era call for comprehensive and articulate measures that will address the diverse aspects of the organization. The balanced scorecard can assist to move strategy to execution with minimal challenges. There are important elements that must be included in order to successfully fulfill the measurement and execution process. First, there must be clarity of the mission and vision of the organization. The financial, customer, internal business process, and learning and growing are also important in ensuring that there is success. The measures must also be linked to the strategy of the company to warrant effectiveness.
Another important aspect is aligning the structure and strategy of the company to meet the desired goals. With a top to bottom approach, the alignment of the strategy will be easy and results will be achieved with ease. Ther...
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