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Reflective practice

Essay Instructions:


Critical Reflection (Term II and III Clinical Theory)

Choose an event/situation/aspect of patient care from your clinical practice.  Follow the CNO 2006 LEARN format and reflect as follows:

10 possible marks –

Please begin this exercise by defining “reflection” have a good understanding of what is expected, read the assignment very carefully

L – Look back, play back your experience/situation/aspect of care in your head (video) think about every detail (1 mark) – this is not a list of everything you did that day – it is an EVENT/SITUATION/ASPECT

E – Elaborate in writing what happened, what was experienced in detail (what you thought, felt, did?) (2 marks)

A – Analyze – what influenced the experience, what made things happen as they did? What was positive? Negative? Interesting?  Were there any differences between what you anticipated and what you experienced? Why do you think this happened? What has this reflection helped you learn about yourself? Anything else? Have you learned anything about what you believe? Value? (5 marks)

Revise & New Trial – Can you use this learning in the future? Discuss this. Any learning issues identified (what do you need to explore further (learning questions, gaps in knowledge). What might you consider doing now or revising? Incorporate evidence based literature to support any of your comments (2 marks)


In order to meet your professional learning objectives create a reflection using (LEARN, CNO 2006) please identify which of the clinical themes from below you are addressing in your reflection. Please note - you must meet all clinical objectives by the end of the term:

1.    Professional behaviors into safe practice in accordance with the College of Nurses (CNO) Standards of Practice

2.    Caring into nursing practice using the nursing process (assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation) when interacting with the client (person, family, community) across the lifespan within health care settings.

3.    Interpersonal skills and the therapeutic caring relationship into nursing practice.

4.    Critical thinking into nursing practice to inform decision making in professional practice

5.    The principles of teaching and learning to promote optimal health, wellness and safety into professional practice.

6.    Nursing theory and evidence based decision making (EIDM) into professional practice.

7.    The principles of ethical practice into professional judgments and practice decisions.

8.    Cultural sensitivity into nursing practice regarding persons, professionals and organizations.

9.    Advocacy for self, client and profession into professional practice

10.    The appropriate use of technology into professional practice.

11.The    attitudes and skills of effective leadership into professional practice

12.The    respect, attitude, knowledge and skills of interprofessional health care into professional practice

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Take a moment to look back, play back your experience in your head (as a
movie) and think about every detail from your experience in clinical during this
Elaborate in writing what happened, what you were experiencing, in detail,
(i.e.: what you thought, felt, did during the clinical learning experience?)
(Two Paragraphs):
One morning I was going to attend to a patient that had dementia in the rooms. Essentially the two personal support workers were supposed to help the patient off the bed so that I could be in a position to change the beddings and make the bed for them, which I did. Immediately I was done preparing the bed from the dementia patient, I left the room. All the while I forgot to lower the bed to the knee level, so that the patient could get back on the bed. This felt very wrong for, having put the patient in harm's way considering his condition..
During that time, I realized that it is very critical to confirm the patient’s room that everything is in order before leaving. This mistake would have been brought by the fact that I was very worried and scared by the patient’s condition .Moreover, lack of proper experience would have resulted to the situation.
Analyze – what influenced the experience, what made things happen as they did?
(One Paragraph):
This experience was triggered by the fact that I left the room in a hurry without double checking the rooms and the patient to make sure that everything was okay. This event reveals that at the time I did not have the right experience, with respect to handling patients. All I wanted was to get the patient's bed as first as possible. In the hurry, I left the room fast and forgot to lower the bed to the knee level, so that the patient could get back on the bed easily after taking breakfast.
What was positive about the experience? What was negative about the
experience? What did you find interesting about the experience? Were there
any differences between what you thought would happen and what actually
(One Paragraph):
The negative aspect of the experience was the fact that I had put the patients in harms way. Dementia patients have difficulty in communication, memory commitment, judgment and reasoning and at the same time have a hard time trying to pay attention and use visual perceptions. This meant that the patient could not have been in a position to tell that the bed was higher than normal and that they could not get on it. As a result, the patient could have hurt them selves trying to get on the bed. The positive as...
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