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Proposed Solution, Implementation, and Evaluation Essay

Essay Instructions:

The final capstone project is a culmination of the written research-based assignments completed throughout the course. Each written assignment contributes to the final Evidenced-Based Proposal paper. This is the third written assignment.


Describe your proposed solution (100-250 words).

Preparing an Implementation Plan

Develop an implementation plan (1,000-1,500 words). The elements that should be included in your plan are listed below:

Method of obtaining necessary approval(s) and securing support from your organization's leadership and fellow staff.

Description of current problem, issue, or deficit requiring a change. If you are proposing a change in current policy, process, or procedure when delivering patient care, describe first the current policy, process, or procedure as a baseline for comparison.

Detailed explanation of proposed solution (new policy, process, procedure, or education to address the problem/deficit).

Rationale for selecting proposed solution.

Evidence from your review of literature in Topic 2 to support your proposed solution and reason for change.

Description of implementation logistics. (When and how will the change be integrated into the current organizational structure, culture, and workflow? Who will be responsible for initiating the change, educating staff, and overseeing the implementation process?)

Resources required for implementation: staff; educational materials (pamphlets, handouts, posters, and PowerPoint presentations); assessment tools (questionnaires, surveys, pre- and post-tests to assess knowledge of participants at baseline and after intervention); technology (technological or software needs); funds (cost of educating staff, printing or producing educational materials, gathering and analyzing data before, during, and following implementation); and staff to initiate, oversee, and evaluate change.

Evaluation Plan

Prepare an evaluation plan (500-750 words) supported by your critical appraisal of the literature.

Discuss methods to evaluate the effectiveness of your proposed solution.

Describe what your projected outcomes will be and what variables will be assessed.

General Requirements

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Proposed Solution, Implementation, and Evaluation
Institutional Affiliation
Proposed Solution, Implementation, and Evaluation
The proposed solution to responding to chronic disease management
Chronic diseases have increased in the recent past, yet the level of response from the health care sector is not substantive. Chronic diseases start at a given stage in life and progress to the point of death, causing trauma and emotional and financial distress not only to the patient but also to the family members. In the process of caring for patients, there is a need to transform registered nurses into leaders that not only treat the disease, but also teach the patient and the family members how to manage and respond to the disease. The proposed solution in responding to the chronic diseases in the aging population is to encourage registered nurses to enroll for Advanced Practice Registered Nurse courses. The strategy encompasses broader response to chronic diseases by equipping registered nurses with appropriate skills and knowledge on not only how to treat and manage the chronic disease, but also transfer their skills to their counterparts and those around them in the process of improving the quality of life and care for patients.
Implementation plan
Methods of obtaining approval from the organization’s leadership and fellow staff
Approvals are necessary for any professional study as they safeguard the integrity of the profession and subjects used in the study. In this study, two types of approvals will be obtained. Formal approval will be obtained from the Institutional Review Board and Site-Based Research Review Units Review. Formal approvals safeguard the rights of human subjects in the study. In this study, the formal approval will be sought early enough through application letter. The second type of approval is an informal approval that will be obtained from the health institutional leadership and colleagues that will take part in this study. Informal approval will be obtained by informing the colleagues and the organization about the study on the management of chronic management. All participants will have to provide written consent of participating in the study. Participants will also be free to exit the study voluntarily any time they wish during the time the study will be in progress.
Description of current issue requiring a change
The rate of chronic diseases has been increasing tremendously in the recent past, putting a lot of pressure on the available hospital resources including staffing. According to Raghupathi and Viju (2018), the rate of chronic diseases has been rising in the recent past with the chronic diseases being more pronounced in aging populations. Among the leading chronic diseases, including diabetes, cancer, arthritis, hypertension, arthritis, and heart diseases. According to Health Quality Ontario (2013), chronic diseases are expensive for most families regarding time and resources. Hospitals and other health care facilities have been forced to employ retired nurses in hospitals due to their level of experience in dealing with patients with chronic diseases. According to Raghuphaji and Viju (2018), chronic diseases take at least 75% percent of the U.S health care budget. This is a significant amount that when used appropriately, can help in improving the quality of care and quality of life for the affected populations.
According to Raghuphathi and Viju (2018), chronic diseases such as stroke, cancer, arthritis, hypertension, and diabetes are responsible for two-thirds of all deaths in the United States. These deaths could reduce significantly if nurses and families are equipped with the necessary skills in managing and treating these conditions. Most of these deaths occur due to lack of skills or when the number of patients is above that of registered nurses. Additionally, the reason why hospitals opt to employ private retired nurses is due to an insufficient number of advanced practice registered nurses who are competent in skills when it comes to managing and caring for patients in the primary care. The need for APRNs does not seek to replace registered nurses. Instead, it seeks to encourage registered nurses to increase their level of education and improve the quality of service in hospitals and the primary care, leading to a reduction in the number of deaths caused by chronic diseases.
A detailed explanation of the proposed solution
Changes in the health care sector are not immune to rejection from stakeholders who feel that their welfare is at stake. In the process of introducing APRN programs, registered nurses are likely to oppose the changes with the hope that they may lose their jobs in the market. The first step in introducing these changes will be the training of nurses in leadership and management and how they can play an active role in the transformation process. The proposed solution of encouraging nurses to enroll in APRN courses seeks to improve their skills and empower them by equipping them with advanced skills in caring for and managing patients and diseases. Additionally, the primary goal of training for APRN courses is to make sure that registered nurses have gained enough exposure to their career, making them make confident decisions and take responsibility for their actions.
A significant focus for the need to have APRN nurses working in the healthcare sector is to have a team of nurses that are informed in decision-making and can contribute to the welfare of the healthcare sector and the quality of life of the patients. Unless nurses are equipped with sufficient skills in managing and treating diseases, it becomes nearly impossible for them to support changes in the healthcare sector that seek to address emerging issues. According to Clarke et al. (2017), management of chronic diseases faces serious challenges of shortage of nurses and staff. When nurses are trained and equipped with advanced skills in the treatment and management of chronic diseases, retired nurses will not have to be recalled to work in the healthcare facilities. Instead, there will be a continuous supply of labor in the market. Patients will also receive quality care when they are served by modern APRNs who understand the current trends in the management of chronic diseases, leading to job and client satisfaction.
The rationale for selecting this solution
The rationale for this option is due to the tremendous changes occurring in the healthcare sector. The problems associated with chronic diseases cannot rely entirely on retired nurses. Registered nurses and retired nurses are often overworked and also make errors when working under pressure. The need for APRN is for the healthcare sector to develop a timely long-term solution. Instead of training registered nurses to equip them with advanced skills, students will directly register for AP courses in nursing. As a result, the goal of introducing the APRN programs is to create a shift in the healthcare shift by not excluding those that did not train for APRN courses while at the same time preparing those that have the goal of working as registered nurses to go a step further and enroll for degree programs.
Description of implementation logistics
The proposed change will be integrated into the Cleveland Clinic Florida fr...
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