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Need an essay on why I would like to become a nurse

Essay Instructions:

Need an essay on why I would like to become a nurse

I would like to point out that I come from a family of medical professionals and have always had an interest in nursing but when I went to college 30 years ago I felt like the timing was not right. I worked as a social worker for 5

Years post college

In a medical setting which I thourougly enjoyed. However life took a turn and pursued a career in Human Reaources. I continued to work in the medical field and focused heavily on nurse recruiting. I eventually left he medical field and landed in the public sector working for a premier financial firm in Chicago. After 17years I decided to purse my dream of becoming a nurse.

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Why I Want to Become a Nurse
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Why do I want to become a nurse? First of all, I belong to a family of medical professionals. Since my childhood, I have seen my elders spending a lot of time in hospitals and clinics while serving the sick. As I grew up, I developed an interested in this field and decided to take it forward. Nearly 30 years ago, I attended a nursing school and began working as a professional nurse right after the completion of my degree. I think that nursing is one of those very few professions that let a person match the lifestyle with that of the career. Instead of working for eight to ten hours a day, I will get an opportunity to select a schedule that fits into my life, and it is one of the biggest advantages for me. I may have to change my daily shifts, depending on the requirements of the job as well as my commitments to the family.
I worked in a medical setting for many months and then switched to the Human Resources field. However, it did not suit me, and I finally realized that no field is as interesting and beneficial as is the medical field. Even though I have spent up to 15 years in a financial company of Chicago, I have never been able to forget about my dream of becoming one of the top nurses in the world.
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