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HBS108 Interpreting and Evaluating Health Evidence

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Q. 2 (iii)

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Essay Sample Content Preview:

Interpreting and Evaluating Health Evidence
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Interpreting and Evaluating Health Evidence
Task A
* The study investigates a cross-sectional association between physical activity and symptoms of depression and anxiety among the children. The participants age ranged between 14 and 15 years with a study period between 1996 and 2009. Moreover, the multinomial regression was applied to identify different relationships between physical and sedentary activity which were further noted through anxiety and depression symptoms. Lack of physical activities and sedentary lifestyle were identified as the major the risks factors among both children and adults.
* The analysis of depression symptoms was achieved through reports taken from the Ontario Child Health Study. The criteria was found to be reliable since it closely matched the DSM-III-R criteria for detecting emotional disorders (Bélair et al., 2018). Some of the statements rated include 'I am happy,' I cry', 'I have trouble enjoying myself', 'I worry a lot', 'I am not as happy as other people my age.' Therefore, the respondents commented on how the statements applied to their feelings. The Cronbach Alpha was used to rate internal reliability of these factors. The results showed a consistency with a range of about 0.76 to 0.81.
* The classification of participants varied based on the type of measurements conducted in the study. For instance, the physical activity measurements were identified through confounding variables. The variables were further defined through the bootstrap multinational regression modeling (Bélair et al., 2018). It measures the association between two variables. However, the method can have a hidden effect on the experimental outcomes
* The results show a significant association of the Odd Ratios (OR) and the CPG levels. Depressive and anxiety disorders showed the most active association with the OR. However, when having minimal rates of depression, anxiety disorder is minimal. The rates proved that the relative risks exposed to sedentary and non-active participants were higher than expected rates. For example, 1.8 showed a regression coincident, and it means that the exposure is associated with more odds outcomes since it is more than one. The 95% confidence interval provides the estimates the precision of the odds ratios. 1.42 means number of exposed cases and 2.41 means number of unexposed cases
* The definition of sedentary and physical activity might have been restrictive. The author explains the depressive symptoms to be less clear since the physical activity classification was affected by misclassification (Eime et al., 2013). Other barriers were attributed to biased outcomes.
* The major stressful event that could confound includes traumatic events and sedentary lifestyles. Minimal physical activity contributes to major health problems. It also increases chances of depression and stress thus affecting mental health.
* Increased physical activity improves mental health through relaxation. Also other coping mechanism such as sleep, exercise can reduces depression.
Task B
* Bias exists in two different forms which include selection and measurement bias. Selection further involve self-selection bias and the loss of follow-ups. Moreover, the characteristics of participants and non-participants showed that the participants selected for a particular study could differ from other related studies (Carter et al., 2016). On the other hand, the measurement bias when the measurements of the occurrence of specific conditions provide inaccurate results due to misclassification.
* Likert Scale is one of the most frequently used method in surveys. It measures attitude by asking people to resend to a series of statements thus comparing different approaches. Therefore, implementing the '9-category frequency scale' would appropriately apply to these measurements.
* Key Terms
* Emotional Psychological change
* Being Distracted
* A sense of Achievement
* Physiological change
* A sense of achievement
* Physiological change
* A cycle of change
* The findings showed that physical activity improves mental health and active participation in social activities. It was shown to improve performance and ability of the adolescents to open up and express their problems (Carter et al., 2016). Increased physical activity, therefore, showed an increased improvement in also cognitive skills and other activities (Josefsson et al., 2014).
Task C.
Question 3.
* The study aimed to test the efficacy of Creating Opportunities for Personal Empowerment (COPE) and improving teens' lifestyles. The study design utilized was cluster RCT and the data collected from January 2010 to May 2012 (Melnyk et al., 2013). The primary outcomes were, therefore, accessed immediately to provide a timely analysis of behaviors adopted by the partici...
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