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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Internal and External Dissemination of Project. Health, Medicine Essay

Essay Instructions:

Describe one internal and one external method for the dissemination of your EBP project results. For example, an internal method may be the hospital board, and an external method may be a professional nursing organization. Discuss why it is important to report your results to both of these groups. How will your communication strategies change for each group?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Internal and External Dissemination of Project
Student`s Name
Institutional Affiliation
My proposal involves the development of protocols in the office that will lead to the improvement of the quality of care accorded to stroke patients. Among the protocols is the creation of a good communication plan by implementing the GetWellNetwork. The hospital will also provide training sessions for the staff to ensure that they are all conversant with all the procedures that would improve the quality of care according to the stroke patients.
Therefore, the internal dissemination method that I will use for my proposal is addressing the hospital board because they are the key decision makers. To ensure effective dissemination of the proposal results, I will prepare a detailed presentation that will help each of the members realize the need for improving the care accorded to the stroke patients. In addition to the presentation, I will send a copy of the proposal to each of the board members so that they can make the necessary follow-ups as to whether each of the indicated processes of improving care had been implemented accordingly. This will also enable them to inquire about any sections of the proposal that was not clear to them. Feedbacks will also be allowed to ensure that the hospital is strictly following the implemented solutions. I will also provide a copy of information explaining how the GetWellNetwork functions as well as its advantages and disadvantages. Besides, I will provide the board with an outline of the survey carried out to determine the changes that have taken place regarding the quality of care given to the stroke patients. This will make it easy for the board to decide whether they will keep on funding the project or not (Tsai, Jha, Gawande, Huckman, Bloom & Sadun, 2015). However, results show that there has been a substantial improvement in th...
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