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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Impact of the Project. Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay

Essay Instructions:

In order to evaluate an evidence-based practice project, it is important to be able to determine the effectiveness of your change. Discuss one way you will be able to evaluate whether your project made a difference in practice.

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Impact of the Project
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The solution I have proposed to improve the quality of care for people with stroke is that nurses should be allowed to communicate with patients on a regular basis. According to Vasileios Lioutas, a stroke occurs when the blood does not flow to the brain, resulting in the death of neurons or brain cells (Lioutas, 2016). There are main types of stroke: hemorrhagic (which occurs due to excessive bleeding) and ischemic (which occurs due to the lack of blood flow). When it comes to dealing with patients with stroke, I have found that every hospital has its particular protocol, some of which are effective and the others are ineffective and meaningless.
The best way to evaluate the effectiveness of this project is getting the feedback of patients regularly. Are their needs met? Are they satisfied with the way nurses are looking after them? I will ask similar questions like this from patients admitted to different hospitals. If they are not happy with the protocol, the staff will be trained to ensure that they can fulfill the requirements of patients and come up with the expectations of hospital administrators.
It is a common observation that nurses, doct...
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