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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Program Sustainability. Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay.

Essay Instructions:

Module 3 - SLP
Using the public health issue you identified in SLP 1, the information you have gathered for your community, and the logic model for your proposed program:

1. Develop an action plan for at least two of the strategies you identified in your logic model. Make sure to include each of the components of an action plan as provided in the example in the required readings.

2. Describe the relationship between a strategic plan and an action plan.

3. Discuss the responsibilities and competencies of health professionals as they relate to developing an action plan.

Length: 2-3 pages double-spaced, excluding the cover page and the reference list.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Assessment and Grading: Your paper will be assessed based on the performance assessment rubric. You can view it under Assessments at the top of the page. Review it before you begin working on the assignment. Your work should also follow these Assignment Expectations.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Program Sustainability
Program Sustainability
Sustainability is ensuring that a program keeps running even after the funding period has come to an end (CDC, n.d). The continuity of a project involves efficient running of normal activities and constant sustenance of project results after the funding expires. Majority of project donors show more concern about the sustainability of a project to ensure the funding have a more stable beneficial plan (CDC, n.d). It is straining for non-governmental organizations and community based projects to source for funding to run their normal activities. Combining sustainability principles with ongoing action plans is the most efficient way to ensure that the project has long term impact in the community (CDC, n.d). Thus, sustainability requires better understanding and planning to enhance the engagement of donors and improve the institution’s capacity to manage an increasing capacity of the target group.
An action plan is essential in ensuring an organization takes all the necessary for the achievement of set goals ensuring sustainability (CADCA, 2010, Chapter 4). One of the sustainability strategies identified in the logic model was developing long term visions. The action plan in coming up with sustainable objectives includes ensuring that healthcare professionals report to work on time. To ensure provision of quality services, the medics are to take into considerations the needs and wishes of the patients. Besides, encouraging doctors and nurses to share experiences and work as a team ensures that they are comfortable handling patients. Teamwork enhances a good workplace culture in which the value of all the staff is appreciated (CADCA, 2010, Chapter 4). Similarly, in developing long term objectives, the organization has to have weekly briefing meetings to track the progress of projects.
Another project sustainability strategy identified in our logic model involves diversifying our sources of funds (CADCA, 2010, Chapter 4). Majority of organizations fail because they lack enough funding to run their projects when the donor grants are depleted. The operational plans in ensuring that we have diverse sources of funding for organizational programs include integrating exercise facilities within the institution which will bring in more money (CADCA, 2010, Chapter 4). Also, approaching different donors to fund various projects will ensure that there are adequate resources to sustain the program for a long time. Besides, the organization can take part in organic farming which will bring in enough food for people in the organization and the surplus is sold to the neighboring community generating additional income (CADCA, 2010, Chapter 4).
Sustainability of an organization’s goals and long term objectives requires designing strategic and actionable plans that offer guidelines (Rural Health Information Hub, 2018). Together with actionable idea, strategies are the primary factors that contribute to the success of a project. Thus, the two strategies have to work in unison to ensure that the organization achieves its sustainability goals. Action plans backs up strategic plans and ensures that they are operational within the organization’s context (Rural Health Information Hub, 2018). An actionable plan ensures that members of the staff understand their responsibilities and duties that together with organizational resources ensure that strategies have a positive impact. Integration of both action and strategic plans into the organization’s daily routine ensures that it is possib...
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