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2 pages/≈550 words
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Personal Reflection and Discussion: Counseling Older Adults

Essay Instructions:

Personal reflection and discussion with colleagues is essential to your development as a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner. In Week 8, you collaborated with colleagues as you participated in your first Clinical Supervision. This week, you have the opportunity to continue your collaboration as you reflect on and discuss your experiences with counseling older adults. Keep in mind that although there may be challenges to counseling this population, these clients offer unique learning opportunities. For this Clinical Supervision, consider an older client you are counseling whom you do not think is adequately progressing according to expected clinical outcomes.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

Assess clients presenting for psychotherapy

Evaluate effectiveness of therapeutic approaches for clients receiving psychotherapy

To prepare:

Reflect on the clients you are currently counseling at your practicum site. 3- to 5-minute Kaltura video that addresses the following:

Describe an older client you are counseling whom you do not think is adequately progressing according to expected clinical outcomes.

Note: Do not use the client’s actual name.

Explain your therapeutic approach with the client, including the perceived effectiveness of your approach.

Identify any additional information about this client that may potentially impact expected outcomes.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Personal Reflection and Discussion: Counseling Older Adults
Student’s Name
Institution Affiliation
Personal Reflection and Discussion: Counseling Older Adults
As with any other form of care, the primary purpose of psychotherapy is to alleviate pain, allow normal functioning, and, if possible, solve and prevent problems. Psychotherapy is as successful for older people as for younger ages, but there has been no definite advantage of one psychotherapy modality (Kisely, 2020). According to Kisely (2020), depending on the older patient and the presenting problem, psychotherapy may be either a primary or an adjunctive form of treatment. Besides practicing geriatric psychotherapy, understanding aged and older people's psychological characteristics have steadily increased (Davies, 2020). This paper presents an older patient I am counseling and who I think is not adequately progressing according to expected clinical outcomes. The article explores the therapeutic approach with the client, including the perceived effectiveness of my process. Lastly, it identifies additional information about the client that may potentially impact expected outcomes.
John is a 72-year-old widower and a retired professor. He was married to a woman named Susan, and the pair had no children or immediate relatives. After a stroke, John was admitted that led to eating apraxia, prolonged mental confusion, emotional disruption, mild balancing, and difficulties with postural control. Subsequently, he developed several anxiety and depression symptoms, which started after the death of his wife a few years earlier. He has seen a gradual worsening of his symptoms over the past few years that he believes are due to deterioration of chronic medical conditions, physical disorders, and diminished sexual functioning.
The approach used in this case is cognitive-behavioral therapy. The treatment started by offering a relationship in which John felt understood, accepted, and respected. I encouraged John to explain his issues and share many emotions. I gave him validation of the practical stresses that he was experiencing. As a therapist, I recognized that John's expertise and experience were apparen...
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