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Personal Model of Leadership

Essay Instructions:

Please use APA and recent references within the last five years. I believe in servant leadership, but different situations require different styles. I also lead with transformational and visionary leadership styles.

As a nurse leader, it is important to understand a variety of leadership models and styles. This will help you adapt to different settings and apply strategies to support and inspire others. It may also be necessary to apply models in different professional settings to satisfy certification requirements. Write a 1,000‐1,250 word paper about your personal model of leadership, including the following:

How might your personal model of leadership be applied in your professional setting?

How does your personal model of leadership compare to the models you researched for the Leadership Styles Graphic Organizer?

Does your personal leadership model follow the lines of servant leadership or transformational leadership?

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

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Personal Model of Leadership Student’s Name Institution Date How my model of leadership can be applied in my professional setting My model of leadership is significantly associated with servant leadership. In this type of leadership, the leader mainly focuses on the development and well-being of all employees within an institution (O'Brien, 2010). The servant leader shares their power places the needs of other people first and assists other employees in the workplace to develop and perform as efficiently as possible. Within the workplace, servant leadership facilities and assists employees to grow and harness their maximum potential. Servant leaders empower individual team members in all departments of the organization and also enhances the success of the company. Servant leadership can be utilized effectively especially in the decision-making process of an organization. This type of leadership can be used in identifying and clarifying the needs of the employee (Mughal, 2018). The servant leader will listen to the complaints and recommendations of their employees and also strive towards empathizing with others. In health institutions, the servant leader can be aware of their qualities and those of other employees by understanding the strengths, weaknesses and areas for development of every employee. Through identification of such components, the servant leader maximizes the performance of the entire organization. A notable difference between servant leadership and other leadership styles is that in a health institution, the servant leader relies on cooperation and persuasion rather than delegation and authority (O'Brien, 2010). This enhances their capability to convince other workers and their patients when providing services as opposed to coercing them into complying with their regulations. In a professional setting, however, servant leadership leads to less motivation for employees leading to the production of weak results over time. Leaders in this model are inclined to fix work problems as they occur and this may include competition of tasks that an employee failed to complete (Mughal, 2018). In servant leadership, the managerial authority of the leader is decreased since the managers must cater to the needs of employees massively which leads to employees viewing their managers as less authoritative figures. Additionally, when senior management requires the middle and low-level managers to direct employees to achieve better performance, it becomes problematic or the servant managers in the health institution to step back into a more authoritative role. With such challenges associate to servant leadership, I have employed both transformational leadership and visionary leadership. As a transformational leader, I have steered the organization towards the improvement of success through changing the perception of the workers, the procedures and also the work culture (Marshall, 2010). This has led to inspirational engagement as transformational leadership seeks the best ways to get the best performance out of every team member. In a professional setting, I have fostered my vision of success into other employees by providing them with the freedom to determine the best path to actualize the vision for success. Through visionary leadership, I have assessed the potential for the manner that the company an increase its productivity and taking the necessary steps into achieving this objective (Agard, 2010). This has also enhanced strategic planning as it involves the creation of a sustainable action plan with a future outlook that the organization can employ for enhanced success. This is communicated effectively in all departments of the organization to ensure that all employees adopt this particular vision and develop ways of actualizing this strategy for the company. How my model of leadership compares to other models In comparison to servant leadership, transformational leadership ...
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