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Application of Social Model of Disability: Breast Augmentation Ethics

Essay Instructions:

Roughly 4% of American women have had breast augmentation surgery (300,000 per year, compared to 40,000 breast reduction surgeries in women, and 20,000 breast reduction surgeries in men per year) (Chalibi 2014, Zuckerman, et al. 2014). 13% of those women later regret it and have it removed (American Society of Plastic Surgeons 2014).

Common reasons to get breast augmentation surgery include (Beauty Redefined 2014):

1. I can’t find clothes in the store that fit

2. People will take me more seriously

3. So I look like everyone else

4. I don’t like the way I look

Explain what a Social Model of Disability approach to these four problems would be. First, briefly explain what the Social Model of Disability is. Contrast it with the Medical Model of Disability. Then explain what kinds of solutions a Social Model of Disability would lead to, and why.  How are these solutions different from those that a Medical Model would lead to? Which of these approaches to these four problems (Social Model approach or Medical Model approach) are most inline with the Principle of Nonmaleficence? (Be sure to define the Principle of Nonmaleficence). Cite all sources.


American Society of Plastic Surgeons. 2014. “2014 Plastic Surgery Statistics Report” http://www.plasticsurgery.org/Documents/news-resources/statistics/2014-statistics/cosmetic-procedure-trends-2014.pdf

Beauty Redefined. 2014. Why Breast Implant Surgery is not ‘For You’” 2-18-2014 http://www.beautyredefined.net/why-breast-implants-are-not-for-you/

Chalibi, Mona. 2014. “Dear Mona, What Percentage Of Women Have Breast Implants?“ FiveThirtyEight Oct 30, 2014, http://fivethirtyeight.com/datalab/dear-mona-what-percentage-of-women-have-breast-implants/

Zuckerman, Diana; Nagelin-Anderson, Elizabeth; & Santoro, Elizabeth. 2014. “Facts About Breast Implants.” July 2, 2014, http://www.ourbodiesourselves.org/health-info/facts-about-breast-implants/

Munson, R., & Lague, I. (2017). Intervention and Reflection: Basic issues in bioethics. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Social Model of Disability on Breast Augmentation
The world is a whole different place depending on one’s perception. It is no surprise that the disabled’s outlook on anything would be completely different than the able. This is affected by different factors ranging from everyday physical hurdles to people’s mindset and approach towards the disparity. Establishments that are not “disabled-friendly” and people’s presumption of things the handicapped cannot do are some of the examples of the barriers that the disabled face.
The Social Model of Disability is different from the Medical Model of Disability. The Social Model gives us the idea of what the disabled hurdle through every day. This model gravitates us to leveling the playing field, dealing with the solutions to outside factors. It acknowledges that the problem is not the person as opposed to the Medical Model. This model focuses on what is wrong with the person, seeing them as the problem(Social model of disability, n.d.).
Breast augmentation is a medical cosmetic procedure to increase breast size with the use of breast implants. Though the saline or silicone implants won’t last for very long. (Breast Augmentation and Reduction, n.d.) Just like all surgery, there are health risks and implications to turning to these procedures (Zuckerman, et.al, 2016). The decision to undergo this surgery is personal. With risks just increasing over time, there are different reasons for people to still undergo these procedures.
One of the common reasons for these cosmetic surgeries is not being able to find clothes in stores that have the right fit. Most clothing stores only have a few selections of sizes for their products. There are only a few stores that have wide selection of sizes. A way to have clothes to have the right fit is to have it altered and tailored to the body shape (Why Breast Implants Are Not "For You", n.d.).
Another reason is that other people’s opinion makes them conscious about their own ap...
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