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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Implementing Hourly Rounding as a Fall Risk Prevention Strategy

Essay Instructions:

Hello Sir,
These are 2 assignments. Please write as separate assignments in APA, need to submit separately. Evidence-Based Practice Proposal - Section E: change model and Evidence-Based Practice Proposal - Section F- Implementation plan. Minimum 750 words each, total 1500 words or more excluding references. Please see all attachments, I will attach the rubric of section F also. Message me for any questions.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Section F Implementation Plan
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Section F Implementation Plan
Implementing hourly rounding as a fall risk prevention strategy is meant to improve the quality of care provided in hospitals. The practice will be beneficial to nursing staff since fall risks have been an issue for a long time. Since the practice is meant to improve the quality of care, it does not require approval from an institutional review board to be initiated. Nonetheless, patient discretion should be maintained. To determine whether the practice is effective, several subjects will also be chosen randomly to form a control group, which will not experience the hourly rounding practice. The comparison will determine the effectiveness of the hourly rounding on preventing patient falls.
Setting and Subjects
The research will be conducted in St Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center. The hospital will need to make earlier preparations by informing their staff on the changes, as well as train the staff on how to implement the change prior to its actual implementation. A multidisciplinary change team will be formed, which will comprise of a change team champion, a nurse manager, and other assistants. Participation in the clinical research studies empowers both patients and nurses (Briggs, Hawrylack, Mooney, Papanicolas, & Taylor, 2017). Since the main focus is on elderly patients, the selection will be non-random to ensure that the participants fall within the required age. A majority of patients recognize the importance of taking part in procedures to improve their healthcare. It is necessary for the study to include the elderly patients in the study. Aside from participation, feedback is essential, and this requires nurses to actively gather feedback from the patients concerning the care received (Pulvirenti, McMillan & Lawn, 2014; Nijhawan, 2013). The hospital staff can issue cards and notes to patients to inform them of the changes. Aside from the training, the nurses participating in the study will be allowed to access the EBP researcher on the topic, to ensure that they have enough knowledge on how to conduct the hourly rounding. The assessment will also be carried out on a weekly basis to gauge the consistency of the rounding.
The study will be implemented over a period of six months. This timeline will be appropriate since it will allow for staff training, effective implementation of the hourly rounding assessment, and evaluation to determine the effectiveness of the practice. Staff training requires the assistance of the hospital since it will need to designate specific nurses to the study a few months prior to the actual change, so that they may receive training and understand the entire scope of the research. Training duration will be two weeks, while data collection and implementation of the process will be carried out over a period of five months. To ensure the project is completed on time, implementation document will be created entailing all the ste...
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