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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Market and the Health Care System

Essay Instructions:

Assignment 1: Marketing and the Health Care System

Due Week 4 and worth 300 points

*Select a health care provided with which you are familiar and write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:

1. Determine the direct impact of marketing for the health care provider you selected.
2. Outline a strategy for the health care provider you selected to determine the utilization of its products or services.
3. Outline a marketing strategy for the health care provider you selected.
4. Recommend at least three (3) separate ways the health care provider you selected could shape the buying decisions of its customers.
5.Provide at least three (3) qualified sources, e.g., peer-reviewed journals, professional organization Website, or health care provider Websites.

our assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:


*This course requires use of new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.

*Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow SWS or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

*Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

*The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

A. Describe the health care system and the role of marketing.

B. Analyze the competitive environment of a health services organization and identify a course of action that will allow for strategic marketing success.

C. Use technology and information resources to research issues in health services marketing.

D. Write clearly and concisely about health services marketing using proper writing mechanics.

E. Grading for ths assignment will be based on answer quality, logic/organization of the paper, and language and writing skills.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Title of Assignment: Market and the Health Care System Student Name: Professor Name: Course Title: Health Services Marketing HSA-305 Date: April 28, 2019 We can define a healthcare provider as the individual who has state authorization to practice health services, such as physicians, nurses, clinical social workers, midwives and clinical psychologists (Barnes & Fitzgibbons, 1992). They are responsible for working in government-authorized institutions like nursing homes, primary care centers, and hospitals. In some circumstances, healthcare workers are allowed to run private clinics. It’s safe to say that the healthcare system can get impacted if they do not perform their duties efficiently and professionally. This system incorporates all activities related to promotion, maintenance, and restoration of the patient’s health via caregivers and healthcare experts. The healthcare provider I have selected for this paper is Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta’s doctors. This hospital is situated in Atlanta, Georgia. It is a famous hospital in the city and is best known to provide affordable care to the patients. The entire team is trained, qualified and experienced, and they have specialized in caring children under the age of 20 years old; doctors are especially responsible for looking after the patients and supervising nurses and other junior staff. The environment of this hospital is kid-friendly, and the latest equipment and technologies are being used to fulfill the requirements of all patients. The doctors of Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta have been praised the world over for their hard work and dedication, and the hospital itself is ranked 6th on the Pediatrics National Best Hospitals in the U.S. The Direct Impact of Marketing for the Healthcare Provider As already mentioned, I have chosen the doctors working in this hospital. The direct impact of marketing is a competitive advantage that the hospital has to offer. Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta provides a sustainable and productive environment to all of the staff members, with doctors paying utmost attention to the physical and mental health of patients. There are only a few hospitals that are competing with the doctors of Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta at this stage, such as Augusta University Health and Emory University. However, the kind of services they provide is not as effective and well-versed as is provided by the medical staff of Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. Thus, we can say that marketing has a direct effect on the financial performance of Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, thanks to its doctors for bringing the hospital to the peaks of success and for serving patients day and night so that they get recovered from illnesses a...
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