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Uterine Fibroids and Polycystic Ovarian

Essay Instructions:

Use Peer-reviewed articles and credible websites such as CDC, Mayo and any website with.edu. The article needs to be 5 years old (2014-2019).

Instruction what to write as listed below:

1. Describe uterine fibroids and polycystic ovarian syndrome

2. What are their similarities and differences?

3. Diagnosis and treatment

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Uterine Fibroids and Polycystic Ovarian Name of Student Institution Affiliation Uterine Fibroids and Polycystic Ovarian Introduction Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and uterine fibrosis are two different reproductive conditions that cause somewhat similar health concerns. Both of the conditions are associated with hormonal imbalance and negatively affect the cycle of menstruation which disturbs the overall ovulation cycle. Proper hormonal balance is something that assists in the maintaining of both the conditions. Description Uterine Fibroids and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Uterine fibroids and PCOS are two different conditions that have some similarities in some aspects. Fibroids are basically something that is developed on the uterus wall of the female (Reis, Bloise & Ortiga-Carvalho, 2016). These fibroids are benign; therefore, they are non-cancerous and do not spread. The exact cause of uterine fibrosis is not confirmed. However, it is assumed to be caused by an imbalance in hormones (progesterone and estrogen) (Reis, Bloise & Ortiga-Carvalho, 2016). Genetics and growth factors might also play a role in the prevalence of this condition. On the other hand, PCOS develops due to the over secretion of male hormones which are called androgens (Azziz et al., 2016). It is normal for a female to secrete androgens; however, there is a certain threshold and if it exceeds, PCOS occurs. This condition negatively affects the ability of the ovary to normally develops and release eggs. There are various risk factors of PCOS including family history, early starting of menstruation, obesity, and race (Azziz et al., 2016). Both of these conditions are closely associated with the release of sex hormones but occur in different body parts. Similarities and Dissimilarities There are some similarities between uterine fibrosis and PCOS. One of the similarities is that both the conditions are connected with hormonal imbalance. It is identified that fibroids might occur due to the increased estrogen level (female hormones) (Reis, Bloise & Ortiga-Carvalho, 2016). Similarly, if there is an increased level of androgens (male hormones), cysts develop in the ovary leading towards PCOS (Azziz et al., 2016). The medical complexities of both the condition are also similar i.e. infertility etc. Researchers have also made connections between the two and state that the prevalence rate of uter...
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