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Applying Knowles Adult Learning Theory in Nursing Education

Essay Instructions:

Identify a previous teaching experience you had as an educator. This could be as a teacher in a classroom, as a nurse to a patient or group of patients, or as a nurse educator to other nurses, other health care workers, or to lay people.

Chosen previous teaching experience

- nurse teaching group of patients about the importance of physical activity, healthy eating and healthy behaviors in reducing risk of cardiovascular disease.

Chosen Theoretical Framework

- Knowles Adult Learning Theory

- Discussing your previous teaching experience and how your chosen theoretical framework would improve the teaching/learning experience. Here are some areas to include (although you may think of some additional pieces that are important).

-Specifically indicate how you applied your theorists principles to the previous experience. For example: Would you proceed from simple to complex (if that is important for your theorist) Or, would you provide opportunity for practice? Etc.what goes here depends on your theorist. Give specific examples. This step is the most important piece of your class presentation.

Self Reflection

Do some self reflection on your previous experience and how you could have improved it using your theoretical framework.

Why would you have changed the project?

Would this new perspective change your educational goals?

Which approach would work best? Why?

Does having a theoretical framework improve the teaching/learning experience? Why?

Would you be willing to marry the theorist on a long term basis (i.e. continue to try and apply this theory to future teaching)? Why or why not?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Applying Knowles Adult Learning Theory in Nursing Education
Institutional Affiliation
Applying Knowles Adult Learning Theory in Nursing Education
My last experience I had as an educator was when was serving as a nurse teaching a group of patients about the importance of physical activity, healthy eating, and healthy behaviours in reducing risk of cardiovascular diseases. I found Malcolm Knowles’ adult learning theory to be invaluable considering the group of patients comprised of adults above 40 years of age. In the theory, Knowles makes assumptions that adults are self directed, ready to learn, have adult learners’ experience, and are oriented and motivated to learn valuable ideas to improve their personal lives. In his four principles of andragogy, the theorist recommends that adults need to be involved, get first-hand experience, offer immediate relevance, and ensure learning is problem-cantered (Spies, Seale, & Botma, 2015). These assumptions and principles of Knowles’ theory are invaluable in nursing education.
Reflecting on the four principles of Knowles’ theory, I was able to attain some, but not all the objectives of having patients taking the initiative to apply the concepts I covered during the patient education program. One specific challenge I encountered is that the content I was targeting to cover could not be done within the limited time I had. Perhaps I could have improved my teaching experience by applying the fourth principle of Knowles’ theory of adult learning. In the fourth principle, the theorist directs that instead of paying much attention to covering content, nursing education, especially with adult patients, needs to be problem-oriented (Spies, Seale, & Botma, 2015). Since adult patients are self-directed and with a wealth of accumulated reservoir of experience, I sh...
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