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Biomedical Ethics Americans Coming From European Lineage

Essay Instructions:

1. Consider Case 1 of Ms. E. in the article by Sirotin and Lo. (Remember, this article does not load very well. Instead, download it from Files: Phil 265 Readings. It is not available online via search engines). Use the perspective of Historical Context to give a possible explanation of the patient’s feelings and actions (Sirotin & Lo 2006). A complete answer will address most or all of those points: How might the historical context of racism in U.S. medical practice explain what happened? What mistakes were made in working with the patient? What would an ideal interaction with this patient have looked like? In your answer, be more specific than Sirotin and Lo (and feel free to disagree with their suggestions). Justify your answers by connecting them with specific historical instances of earned distrust in medical practice, as well as the Principle of Autonomy. Cite all sources.

Reference: Sirotin, N., & Lo, B. (2006). The end of therapeutic privilege?. The Journal of clinical ethics, 17(4), 312.

Munson, R., & Lague, I. (2017). Intervention and Reflection: Basic issues in bioethics. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

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Biomedical Ethics
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The study of history reveals that African-American people have been a victim of racism in receiving health care facilities since the time of slavery (Sirotin & Lo, 2006). The masters had no interest in the physical well-being of their slaves, and there was never an incident when a slave received healthcare facility as it was available to other Americans coming from European lineage.
If we dig deep, we will get to know strange facts. Many doctors, researchers, and physicians used African Americans for medical experimentation without obtaining their consensus. The pages of history state that in one these many recorded incidents around 200 slaves were inoculated with smallpox virus in order to determine the efficacy of a vaccine that was being developed at that time.
After bringing the historical context of racism with African Americans into account it is evident that Ms. E. was a recent victim of this ongoing practice in the American healthcare industry. Her treatment was very poor, and there was no sign of appropriate and required coordination amongst the medical staff to better deal with the situation of Ms. E.
The pain caused her agitation she was suffering from, and the ED staff added to her insecurity with their increasing frustration. It should be understood that patient can fail to coordinate and respond properly during his or her suffering and the care staff must wait for an appropriate time to have any communication, such as talking about the medical history.
In order to calm her down, sh...
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