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Pension Support For Aging Well

Essay Instructions:

write an evidence-based, persuasive* paper. Using evidence from your literature search, support why this strategy (program, service, activity) supports aging well. Length: APA style, 5 - 7 pages, not including title page and References page; follow font size, margins, citation style, use of headings; no abstract needed. Your general outline will include an introduction / purpose section and a conclusion section, and your main section will include an integrated summary of the literature (not a paragraph summarizing each article) and your analysis.

include approximately three to four sources of evidence (research) that are sufficiently current to suggest why this strategy currently supports aging well. We negotiated that the sources should at least be from the 2000s: I want you to consider whether your source is "new" enough to look like you are aware of some of the more recent thinking on your topic. *You will be "persuasive" if the literature that you include is used to argue that your strategy supports aging well.

General point distribution for assignment:

Introduction to strategy to promote aging well and brief background (10 points)

Integration of literature and analysis (5 points) to persuade reader why this promotes aging well (5 points), and conclusion, with possible recommendations (5 points).

Correct formatting / style (5 points)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Pension Support for Aging Well
After retiring, many people have hard choices to make about how to survive for the rest of their lives after their main source of income is stops flowing. At the moment with the current technological advancement especially in medicine, the mortality rate is about 80 years in most developed countries, and many people get to 90 years or even 100 years. That means retirees have to map out their lives for at least 20 years after the commencement of their retirement. If retirees do not have a stable source of income, they are likely to die sooner or lead a worse quality of life for the rest of their lives. Pension support is aimed to address this problem to ensure the elderly lead a relatively comfortable and fulfilling life in their later years after many years of service to their countries, families, and communities. Though their physical strength has usually deteriorated by the time of their retirement, their utility to the society or importance never decreases, and it is important that there is a formal structure that enables them to lead relatively happy lives into their retirement. Pension support is not to ensure an individual cannot outlive his/her utility but also deserves care for the service they did to the society. Pension support is necessary to ensure retirees live a relatively happy life after retirement by ensuring they can afford the relatively basic lifestyle.
Retiring without a pension can be challenging since the retiree does not have the income to support himself/herself. Some retirees still have mortgages and families to support which makes them vulnerable to eviction from their homes or their dependents suffering for lack of financial support to continue with their endeavors, i.e., Education of their children. After retirement, if the individual cannot raise the money to support himself/herself and his/her family, hard times lie ahead. The pension is designed to cushion the individual and at least guarantee a basic income to support themselves as they are aging. Pension money may not be enough to guarantee the same lifestyle, but it is certainly important to help foot some basic bills CITATION Day18 \l 1033 (Dayana Yochim, 2018). Pension income is usually a fraction of the salary earned by the individual at the time of retirement, but if it is managed well, it can help the individual meet his/her basic needs.
At the time of retirement, some retirees also have some responsibilities in their families. Some retirees have children in college or are still servicing their mortgages and or car loans and in some cases, some have to support their ailing family members CITATION Day18 \l 1033 (Dayana Yochim, 2018). Pension support helps these individuals to continue still fulfilling their responsibilities into their retirement. If they are unable to meet the cost of these responsibilities, they can take a toll on their health and most of them will be unable to live for long after retirement. For example, if the retiree suffers a foreclosure, he/she is now likely to be homeless and get exposed to a cold and poor diet which compounded with the advanced age can take a toll on the individual’s life. Pension can also provide lumpsum monies that can be used to cover lumpsum expenses from treatment or rebuilding lives after a natural disaster such as hurricanes, earthquakes, etc.
As the years advance, retirees need more care, and they become dependent on the people in their life especially their families. The cost of their care increases with age an in some cases they are taken to hospices for more specialized care. The cost of these facilities and or caregivers if the retiree is at home can be covered by pension monies. The pension also covers other expenses such as equipment they may need such as wheelchairs, hearing aids, cars to aid their mobility outdoors, etc. Some individuals set aside monies for their hospice care to avoid burdening their family members and or give them flexibility. At some point, the elderly are not eligible for insurance and hence to cover their expenses they have to depend on their pension especially if they do not have investments or family members who can help with medical expenses CITATION Dav181 \l 1033 (Rae, 2018). Thus, pensions go a long way into helping the retirees remain independent especially on matters rel...
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