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The Declining State of Water Bodies in the World

Essay Instructions:

Guidelines for Response Essays
1. Passive voice obscures agency.
2. All pieces should address the argument and be connected.
3. Use direct, simple sentences.
4. Try to connect your personal experience with the class readings, either in support or critique.
5. Don’t think because it’s short it can be sloppy. You should
-write a draft, then re-read and revise it.
-proofread: don’t rely on your spellcheck because it won’t pick up words left out, terrible grammar, etc.
6. Don’t waste your time on empty sentences such as “One of the most interesting aspects of book X is its discussion of Y theme” or “In Chapter 3, X writes about Y and Z themes” or “The role of women and gender was of particular interest to me.” Make your first sentence count, eg: “The Culinary Triangle is a valuable, if flawed, concept that needs to be revised for the modern era of food studies.” “The strength of Bentley’s argument about ordered meals is clear in her analysis of the Rockwell painting.”
7. Do develop ideas. “Development” in writing is not always an easy concept to get. It generally means just thinking a bit more about the possible ramifications of what you’re saying. Don’t just throw your opinion out there, explain how you came to that realization/position/idea. Dig deeper when analyzing your ideas and the those of authors. Read critically, think about what you’ve read, react; don’t summarize.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Declining State of Water Bodies in the World
The Declining State of Water Bodies in the World
All over the world, several concerns have been raised against the water bodies. Human practices have led to environmental degradation that has seen the levels of water decline and the living things in the water suffer severe consequences. All water bodies have been affected including the large oceans and the small fresh water lakes. In this report, I am going to look at the state of our water bodies and how they have been affected.
Bellware (2016) notes that everywhere in the world, there is a water crisis. The author argues that in some areas, there level of water is rising and there is fear that such areas will be drowned. However, in some areas such as several places in Syria, there is a severe drought. In countries such as the U.S, waste water is recycled so that it can be reused. In these areas, there is good water management and it is what is needed everywhere in the globe to address the ever increasing shortages.
People underestimate the risk of global water shortage. While it is apparent that the issue is critical and severe, there is still mismanagement in the way water is used in the world. Overreliance on the natural water bodies has put a lot of pressure on these water resources. For this reason, Brauman (2016) argues that there should be effective ways of tapping rainwater so that we do not over-depend on natural water.
The shortage of water has great impacts on economies too. Several countries in the developing countries rely on agriculture as their main source of economic income. Without water, these countries will continue to suffer as their agricultural produce will greatly reduce (Purvis, 2016). People need to understand the risk of failing to manage water efficiently so that they can value the best practices of good water management.
The effect on water bodies has seen fish within water suffer. Marshall (2016) notes that widespread global warming has led to death of fish especially in Lake Tanganyika. This is...
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