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Read Response Food Industry Other Factors And Industries Fall

Essay Instructions:

Guidelines for Response Essays

(With credit to Professors Linda Gordon and Daniel Walkowitz)


1. Passive voice obscures agency.

2. All pieces should address the argument and be connected.

3. Use direct, simple sentences.

4. Try to connect your personal experience with the class readings, either in support or


5. Don’t think because it’s short it can be sloppy. You should

-write a draft, then re-read and revise it.

-proofread: don’t rely on your spellcheck because it won’t pick up words left out, terrible

grammar, etc.

6. Don’t waste your time on empty sentences such as “One of the most interesting aspects

of book X is its discussion of Y theme” or “In Chapter 3, X writes about Y and Z themes”

or “The role of women and gender was of particular interest to me.” Make your first

sentence count, eg:

“The Culinary Triangle is a valuable, if flawed, concept that needs to be revised for the

modern era of food studies.”

“The strength of Bentley’s argument about ordered meals is clear in her analysis of the

Rockwell painting.”

7. Do develop ideas. “Development” in writing is not always an easy concept to get. It

generally means just thinking a bit more about the possible ramifications of what you’re

saying. Don’t just throw your opinion out there, explain how you came to that

realization/position/idea. Dig deeper when analyzing your ideas and the those of authors.

Read critically, think about what you’ve read, react; don’t summarize.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Food industry is a very key aspect of the well-being and development of any nation. All other factors and industries fall behind this industry. Health, transport and infrastructural development, education and even governance can only be successful after and only after the food industry have played its full role (Crist, et al. 2017). The food industry is a powerful industry that has proved even hard for the government of the USA to control. Food production, food preservation, and food consumption are key aspects in this industry.
Food prices are a tricky situation to control. Not even the government is able to control the prices of food. It depends on and is affected by very many factors, ranging from climatic conditions, access to food, demand vs supply and the cost of production. Some factors are beyond the capabilities of the government (Bellemare, 2015). For example, the government can try and control the food industry through infrastructural development, development of fast-growing seeds and providing necessary resources and additives that will improve yields and reduce destruction of food. However, all these depend on natural factors like climatic conditions hence making it hard to control the food sector. To understand the food industry, there is a need to understand the issue of food security as a basic concept (Clark, & Tilman, 2017).
Food security can be defined as access to quality food in adequate quantities by all people that are safe for human consumption at all times. Various factors affect food security. Food production, access to food, food preferences, cultural or social food practices, and food utilization are some of the key factors that are related to food security. Food security plays a major role in the health of a nation which in return plays a major role in the development of the country. The United States uses three times the amount used by European countries on the health of each person. The reasoning for this is attributed to the prevalence of chronic diseases which are argued to be as a result to the feeding habits of the American people. Focusing on the food industry has proved to be the most demanding and toughest endeavor of the government.
Consumers are the once who are greatly affected by matters food. The demand for food is always higher than the supply. It has brought about to the hiking of prices. Farmers are faced by major challenges in the production of food (Grunert, et al. 2014). Harsh climates, pests, a lot of investment in labor, time and other resources and then low yields are some of the challenges experienced by farmers. The cost of food production is so high leading to high food prices so that the farmers can benefit from their endeavors. Importation of food from other countries is a normal activity in the USA since demand for food is higher than the domesti...
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