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Strategic Management and Socially Conscious Organization Presentation

Essay Instructions:

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Please see all attachments. Please write the paragraphs according to the contents in the rubrics. write from a nursing manager perspective and the organization as a hospital. For any questions send a message.


This is the basic textbook for the course. You can incorporate this book also. Write 7 paragraphs according to the rubric content. Also, write one small introduction, conclusion and references.

Daft, R. L. (2013). Management (11th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. ISBN-13: 9781285068657

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Strategic Management and Socially Conscious Organization Presentation
Strategic Management and Socially Conscious Organization Presentation
A socially conscious organization is concerned about making the world better by improving the quality of life and focusing on values and principles that guide relationships, both internally and externally (Gal, Akisik, & Wooldridge, 2018). Such are the characteristics that make Hope Hospital socially conscious hospital with an aim of improving the quality of life through sound health practices. It is thus imperative to focus on the hospital’s mission and vision statement and how they are aligned with the organization.
The vision of Hope Hospital is to be a recognized global force in the provision of healthcare. The mission of the hospital is to provide accessible, affordable, and safe healthcare to all members of the society guided by ethics and professionalism. The vision and mission of an organization provide guidance to members of the organizations, especially in decision making (Kopaneva & Sias, 2015). Thus, translating them into strategy implementation will ensure that they provide the organization with direction for present and future activities. At the hospital, the vision and mission statement has been translated into strategy implementation through the high commitment levels of hospital employees who observe hospital ethics. For instance, the mission of providing healthcare to all members of society has involved providing care without considering the patient’s ability to pay. Thus, care has been provided to everyone in need. Translating vision into action involves constant communication with employees and setting priorities. To become global, the employees understand that provision of healthcare has to start from the hospital’s vicinity and expand to other areas with time.
Organization’s alignment with the vision and mission statement through corporate social responsibility (CSR) requires an active participation in projects that promote community development. CSR plays a major role in enhancing competition among organizations as clients are more attracted to organizations that do well in society (Xu, 2014). A competitive advantage and support from members of society are important to Hope Hospital especially in achieving its vision because to become global, there must be evidence that the hospital has made considerable changes within its vicinity first. Some of the CSR projects that the hospital undertakes include mobile clinics whereby we go to patients instead of waiting for them at the hospital. Further, we offer occasional free services in areas such as surgeries, thereby reaching more people in society as part of our mission.
Corporate culture is passed on to new employees as existing employees share how things are done within the organizations. This, therefore, makes corporate culture an important aspect to be considered when the aligning the mission and vision with everyday activities. According to Daft (2013), corporate culture is a set of norms, values, and understanding that is shared by people in an organization. Thus, for effective organizational alignment, an organization must have a rich culture, especially given that the vision statement talks about the future and the employees that were there during its formulation may be long gone. The corporate culture of Hope Hospital involves patients’ safety and constant communication among employees and between employees and patients. This culture has allowed the management to effectively communicate the mission and vision of the hospital constantly, thus ensuring that all employees are pursuing a common goal at any given time. In addition, the culture of patient safety has pushed the hospital closer towards achieving its main purpose of providing safe and affordable health care because every day, employees always know that patient safety takes precedence.
Ethics are moral principles and values that guide the behavior of individuals or society (Ginter, Duncan, & Swayne, 2018). They are especially important in organizations as they help employees to determine between right and wrong. Some ethics are written as laws and others are based on unwritten norms (Ginter, Duncan, & Swayne, 2018). Through ethics, employees are able to make sound decisions, especially when faced with difficult choices. Personal ethics are especially important because they form the core of an individual and can be b...
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