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Benefits and Risks of Exercise and Youth Health, Medicine Essay

Essay Instructions:

Research the benefits and risks of exercise and youth. List at least five resources (resources no more than five years old) and summarize the research findings in your own words. Is resistance training safe, effective, and beneficial for young people? Why or why not?

Please double space. Each essay response is required to be a minimum of 250 words and, most importantly, include your personal insights as to how the topic will help you as a future professional trainer.

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Benefits and Risks of Exercise
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Exercise at a young age has always been a touchy subject. While there are some anomalies, kids and teenagers are mostly asked to focus on the neurological aspects of training rather than the hypertrophic aspects. The purpose is to help them live an active, healthy and energetic life. It is safe to say that exercise accompanies a lot of advantages and disadvantages. To some youngsters, certain exercises may not be as suitable as they will be to others. Thus, the selection of the right kind of exercises or training program is always needed.
Source#1 -- Exercise Stress Tests
According to Erik Rifkin and Andrew Lazris, the key to finding a suitable exercise is to understand the physical and mental condition of a person. Some adults and children may not have flexible bodies; this means they will have to opt for simple exercises or morning walk. On the other hand, some individuals have great body strengths, and it is good for them to try complex exercises (Rifkin & Lazris, 2014). For children and teenagers, the best time to exercise is early in the morning. They should wake up and go for a walk along with their parents, and do some exercises in the park, where they get a chance to breathe in fresh air and inhale much oxygen. By repeating the same process, they will be able to strengthen their muscles and can live an active and healthy life.
Source#2 -- Oxygen: Risks as Well as Benefits
In this article, Rory Mcdermott and Craig Davidson mention that children, teenagers, and adults who have asthma should not consider doing tough exercises as this can cause problems for them in the long run (Mcdermott & Davidson, 2017). The best and most suitable exercises for these individuals are a brisk walk, jogging, and yoga. They may opt for sophisticated workouts, but before this, they are required to consult a healthcare expert. On the whole, exercise can help people build muscles and increase one’s stamina. Going for a walk every morning is a perfect physical activity for people of all age groups, especially for the ill, children and teenagers.
Source#3 --...
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