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Read Response Week 15 T The Growing Importance Of Food

Essay Instructions:

Guidelines for Response Essays

(With credit to Professors Linda Gordon and Daniel Walkowitz)


1. Passive voice obscures agency.

2. All pieces should address the argument and be connected.

3. Use direct, simple sentences.

4. Try to connect your personal experience with the class readings, either in support or


5. Don’t think because it’s short it can be sloppy. You should

-write a draft, then re-read and revise it.

-proofread: don’t rely on your spellcheck because it won’t pick up words left out, terrible

grammar, etc.

6. Don’t waste your time on empty sentences such as “One of the most interesting aspects

of book X is its discussion of Y theme” or “In Chapter 3, X writes about Y and Z themes”

or “The role of women and gender was of particular interest to me.” Make your first

sentence count, eg:

“The Culinary Triangle is a valuable, if flawed, concept that needs to be revised for the

modern era of food studies.”

“The strength of Bentley’s argument about ordered meals is clear in her analysis of the

Rockwell painting.”

7. Do develop ideas. “Development” in writing is not always an easy concept to get. It

generally means just thinking a bit more about the possible ramifications of what you’re

saying. Don’t just throw your opinion out there, explain how you came to that

realization/position/idea. Dig deeper when analyzing your ideas and the those of authors.

Read critically, think about what you’ve read, react; don’t summarize.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Growing Importance of Food
The Growing Importance of Food
Food is a basic need that humans cannot do without. As a result, with the world population ever growing, there is a fear that the pressure on natural resources will be immense and the resources that people have will not be able to stand the pressure. In this report, I am going to examine the food patterns and how food is becoming ever so crucial.
One of the greatest global concerns is that the world population will be so much that the resources at our disposal will not be able to sustain the number of people in the world. However, Singer (1999) argues that these fears are baseless and contrary to what people expect, the population will decline and that the resources will be enough to sustain the people in the world.
Goldstein (2011) notes that with each passing day, the price of food increases. Globally, the prices have been skyrocketing, and this can be attributed to an increase in biofuels, an increase in population from the developing countries that has created more demand, and speculations on the large population around the globe that has seen many people fear that the natural resources might be depleted (Goldstein, 2011). Today, more focus has been put on the issue of food. Several inspirational movies have on the issue of food have been acting, and they have further turned the focus on why food is important. Movies such as American meat, Food chains, Food Inc., etc. have served to remind people even more about the importance of food (Farmers, 2018).
Food insecurity still exists around the globe, even as food issue becomes more critical and sensitive. To address the issue, bioregionalists have proposed a process known as localization that involves creating resilient and sustainable communities to encourage investing in livelihoods, resources, and build assets of a community to increase their ability to afford the foods (Pezzoli, 2016).
There are concerns related to food consumption, especially the consumption of meat. Many people fear that continuing to consume much meat will lead to environmental, s...
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