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Outline of a Presentation on the Origins of Sexuality and Reproduction

Essay Instructions:

Outline of a tutorial for children to answer the questions “What are genitals for?” “What is sex?” and “Why do we as humans have sex (i.e. for procreation) and how exactly does that work?”Prepare a detailed written outline or report of a presentation on the origins of sexuality and reproduction for youth ages 9-11. Draw from the information provided in the book (esp Chs 4, 6) and lecture. Your presentation must be child appropriate but must provide explanations for gender dimorphism, sex and procreation. You want to tell a “story” to engage the children.You may include up to three illustrations. Example:I.External organs - what we SEEII.Internal organs – what DEVELOPS to help make babiesAnd proceed to sex and procreation...Obviously you won’t have time to describe everything, but select the main points you want these children to know.

The content must be from Chapter 4 and Chapter 6.

Submit a formal and detailed outline of points to make, specific information to provide. 3 pages double-spaced)

Need to be straightforward enough for children age from 9 to 11 to understand.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

What are Genitals For?
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Outline of a Presentation on the Origins of Sexuality and Reproduction
Goal: To increase Student’s comfort with common topics of sexuality and reproduction.
The contents of this essay are to teach the sexual anatomy to the students. By the end of the topic, the students should know that reproductive parts are both internal and external. They should understand the outer genitals that are visible are part of complex system with other internal parts. They should also understand how genitals are different between girls and boys.
What are Genitals for?
“Genitals” refer to the male or female reproductive organs. The genitals include external and internal structures. Males and females exhibit different characteristics beyond the differences in their sexual organs. They have differences in functionality and physical structure.
The Female Reproductive Organs has both internal and external parts. The external genitals for females consist of the inner lip, the outer lip, the mons pubis, the vaginal opening, and the clitoris. Together, they are known as the vulva. The internal productive organs for females consist of the Skene’s glands, the vestibular bulbs, the vagina, the uterus, a pair of fallopian tubes, and a pair of ovaries.
The Male Reproductive Organs also has internal and external parts. The male external genitals include the scrotum and the penis. The male internal genitals include epididymis, testes, and vas deferens. Each of these parts in male and female parts of the reproductive system have important functions and they are interdependent. Each part has to play its role for a successful procreation. The purpose of the Genitals
Concisely, the purposes of the genitalia is to eliminate body wastes by urination, reproduction, and provide sexual pleasure. Each part of the genitals plays different roles but they ultimately culminate to the three aforementioned purposes outlined above. For excretion of waste from the body, the male/female genitalia is not dependent on a person of opposite sex. Thus, for excretion the process is independent of another individual. For sexual pleasure and reproduction, the genitalia od each individual is required thus they are interdependent. The male and female genitalia are complementary in the role of sexual pleasure and reproductive system and they work as a single system where without one party it is not possi...
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