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Nutritional Care Plan

Essay Instructions:
Instructions This week, you will complete work on the course project you began in Week 5, by submitting a nutritional care plan for the client associated with your case to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned. NTR2050 Course Project Nutritional Care Plan For this project, you will identify a case study and then develop a nutritional care plan for the client associated with that case. You should begin working on your project in advance of Week 5 as you construct the details of your case. The completed nutritional care plan for your client is due in Week 10. Please read this entire document to gain understanding of the project scope and those tasks you will complete. This project will take you several weeks to complete. Do not delay beginning the work on this project. When you have completed each part of the project, please submit to the appropriate drop box as a Word document. Project tasks to be completed in Week: 5 Task 1: Choose from one of the following stages: pregnancy, infancy and childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age. List the specific nutrition issues affecting individuals in your selected stage. Task 2: Choose a disease or medical condition that could possibly, or commonly, affect your individual. This could be anything ranging from diabetes to cirrhosis. Using the ABCDs of nutritional assessment, create a case study based on an actual client or patient. You can also make one up. Include the following in your case study: Anthropometrics, relevant biochemical tests, clinical assessment, and dietary intake analysis. Be sure to include a list of common medications that may be used to treat your patient's condition and identify potential herb/nutrient/drug interactions that may be relevant. Identify your client's cultural background and give clues as to their socioeconomic status and psychosocial variables. For example, your patient may be a senior living alone on a fixed income or might be living in a nursing facility with reputed staff. Project tasks to be completed during Weeks 6–10 (due during Week 10): Task 1: Create a nutritional care plan for your client. This will include an evaluation of nutritional risk, a list of interventions, and a list of expected outcomes. List the goals of medical nutrition therapy for your patient and suggest an appropriate diet. Does your patient/client require a dietary modification of their regular diet? Are enteral feedings by tube necessary? If so, what formula will you use and why? Describe your recommended method of administration. Task 2: Describe your nutrition education teaching session with your patient and/or their family. What teaching methods will you use (explanation, discussion, demonstration, handouts, etc.)? In your own words, write a paragraph detailing three specific points that you will need to teach your patient about his/her new diet. In addition, give at least one tip to avoid potential herb/nutrient/drug interactions.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Nutritional Care Plan Name Institution Course Code and Title Instructor Date Nutrition Care Plan for Patient Y with Diabetes Type II Patient Y, who is 76 years old, has been suffering from type 2 diabetes for two years now. His AIC test shows an elevated measure of his blood sugar at 21mmol/L. Patient Y has normal weight and BMI at 19.5 kg/M2, though leaning towards the lower extreme (underweight). He lives alone and is unable to actively manage his condition through healthy eating, adherence and proper intake of his medication, and psychosocial support. Patient Y lives on his savings since he is retired, which is not adequate to support all his needs, especially purchasing medication. In addition, he has dementia, which affects his cognitive function, especially remembering to take medication and monitor his blood sugars. Care Plan Patient Y is at risk of Diabetes complications including but not limited to Kidney disease- neuropathy, eye problems- retinopathy, and heart attack. The elevated risk is related to poor dietary intake, poor adherence to medication, insufficient blood sugar monitoring, and illness- Dementia. The patient presents symptoms such as a tingling sensation on his hands, extreme thirst, as shown by dry lips, extreme hunger, and weight loss. Several interventions need to be put in place to manage Patient Y’s condition and prevent the onset of complications. One includes summoning the patient’s relatives and caregivers and educating them on how to help the patient by monitoring his blood sugar levels. The patient and the caregiver should demonstrate using a glucometer to monitor his random blood sugar (RBS). Another intervention is educating them on carbohydrate counting (CC). Carbohydrates are broken down into glucose, causing a rise in blood sugar levels (Flynn & Dhatariya, 2020). CC ensures that an appropriate insulin dose is administered with each snack or meal the patient consumes. The third intervention includes liaising with the other clinicians working with the patient to administer medications and additional insulin as needed. The fin...
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