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Nursing philosophy paper
Essay Instructions:
Recognize the importance of developing a personal nursing philosophy as a professional nurse.
Define the four central concepts of nursing in relation to their personal philosophy.
Provide an overview of a nursing theory that relates to their personal philosophy.
Identify values, beliefs, and moral and ethical obligations as part of their personal philosophy.
Demonstrates awareness of the role that individuals, families and communities play in their personal philosophy.
Describe how their nursing philosophy influences their professional and educational goals.
Points for project: 50 (see grading rubric)
Use your resources from this course, including the course textbook by Masters (2020), when working on your paper. Before writing the paper, consider the nursing paradigm and your definition of nursing (Chapter 3), a nursing model or theorist (Chapter 2), professional accountability and related concepts (Chapter 4), the nurse’s role in the healthcare delivery system (Chapter 8), and personal career goals (Chapter 7). Successful completion of this paper is an outcome for the semester – Professional Valuing.
1. Provide a brief history of nursing practice and the importance of a personal philosophy as a professional nurse (Objective 1).
2. Define the four central concepts of nursing: person, health, environment, and nursing. What are your personal views on how each of these concepts impacts the practice of nursing (Objective 2)?
3. Provide an overview of a nursing theory or model that you identify with in your nursing practice and explain how this theory relates to your personal philosophy of nursing (Objective 3).
4. What values and beliefs are important to the nursing profession and how do your personal values and beliefs relate to these nursing values (Objective 4)?
5. Ethics and morals play an important role in nursing. What are ethical and moral obligations influence your nursing practice (Objective 4)?
6. How are individuals, families and communities a part of your nursing philosophy (Objective 5)?
7. After reviewing your answers to questions 1-6 above, formulate your personal philosophy of nursing. How does your personal philosophy influence your professional and educational goals (Objective 6)?
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1 Provide a brief history of nursing practice and the importance of a personal philosophy as a professional nurse.
The nursing profession has evolved over a long time backdrop from the profession of caregiving, which was most often female-dominated and volunteered. Nursing began when Florence Nightingale brought out the profession based on knowledge and ethics until the middle of the nineteenth century. Nightingale stressed the aspects of cleanliness, patients, and the environment, as well as mechanical orders, to change the outcomes of patient treatment, which predetermined the further development of standards of nursing. Having a personal philosophy of nursing is essential when navigating through different clinical scenarios to focus on the fundamentals of ethical values and moral principles when handling clients compassionately. Empathy is one of my core beliefs, along with integrity and a belief in continuing education to help improve my nursing practice (Masters, 2021).
2 Define the four central concepts of nursing: person, health, environment, and nursing. What are your personal views on how each of these concepts impacts the practice of nursing?
Based on Masters (2021), the four central concepts—person, health, environment, and nursing—form the foundation of nursing theory and practice:
1 Person: Nursing care is directed to people, families, and communities closely associated with varying needs. For this reason, I treat everyone in a manner that encompasses their bodily, psychological, social, and spiritual well-being. Nurses must address the individual needs of the person.
2 Health: Current thinking defines health not only as a lack of disease but also as the whole condition of the person. In this concept, my efforts should promote patients' potential to gain the health status that best suits a human being in society.
3 Environment refers to the physical environment and conditions and the individual's emotional state at a given time. It is, therefore, essential to create a secure environment that will support health and the possibility of recovery. Various methods that nurses use to maintain environments enhance healing.
4 Nursing: Nursing is a professional practice requiring scientific knowledge and skill. It combines the implementation of knowledge and skills gained from the practice and the ability to form good relations with the patient. Nursing can be defined as the investigation and treatment of the patient, down to the psychological and physiological processes.
3 Provide an overview of a nursing theory or model you identify with in your nursing practice and explain how this theory relates to your philosophy of nursing.
Jean Watson's Theory of Human Ca...
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