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Review Essay 4

Essay Instructions:
Essays should be approximately 250 - 350 words and should capture the main substantive arguments within the text. As a minimum, you need to address two of the readings for that week as detailed in the syllabus. As the semester progresses, you may also link your essay back to works that we previously addressed as long as your primary focus is on the current week. Please make connections between the readings / arguments of the authors. And, most importantly, connect these themes to your own opinions, experiences and perspectives. Your essay must include your name and the course information (ie: Paolina Lu - Food and Identity - Week 3) as a header and/or document title. CUSTOMER UPDATE---- Here are the links to 2 more resources:https://www(dot)smartertravel(dot)com/worlds-most-expensive-food/ https://www(dot)nytimes(dot)com/2023/10/17/business/private-label-food-groceries.html?unlocked_article_code=1.Hk4.uhBL.51f5O6bDVAy_&smid=url-share
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Review of “The World's Most Expensive Foods” and “Authenticity in America: Class Distinctions in Potato Chip Advertising” Student Instructor Institution Course and Code Date Review of “The World's Most Expensive Foods” and “Authenticity in America: Class Distinctions in Potato Chip Advertising” The article "The World's Most Expensive Foods: Self-titled "9 Things Everyone Should Try (If They Can)," published in Food and Drink in 2018, recommends that readers experiment with various costly foods. Nine foods, including the famous Matsutake mushrooms and the rare white truffle, are outlined, and their features and roles in different societies are discussed. According to the article, such things are considered a sign of high status and power and are rare in multiple cultures (Food and Drink, 2018). The rather elaborate and interesting descriptions interest the reader due to the outlined causes of why some foods are relatively costly, such as the rarity of the food sources, methods of preparation, and geopolitical availability. Lastly, the article describes elaborate foods as mouthwatering and luxurious images of social stratum and eating excellence. In their article "Authenticity in America: "Class Differences in Print Advertising: The Case of Potato Chips," Joshua Freedman and Dan Ju Rafsky discuss the relationships between language, culture, food advertising, and social class in contemporary America. According to the writers, food symbolizes people's group identity, with cultural and economic factors defining authenticity in food promotion. Freedman and Rafsky (2011) analyzed potato chip advertisements in another instance. They noted that advertisers app...
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