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DNP Project defended

Essay Instructions:
Directions In your initial post, defend your proposed DNP project based on the evidence you have found by answering the following questions, as synthesized from your proposal. Do not post your paper. What is your clinical practice problem? Why is this a problem? Who is affected by the problem? Where is this problem occurring? What has contributed to this problem? What does the literature suggest as a possible change that could impact this problem? What could be changed to improve this problem? What policies are related to this problem? What CPGs are related to this problem? What are the goals of this project? What EBP model could you use as a framework? What are possible barriers to this, and how can you mitigate them? I have attached the initial post. Three topics were discussed. However, the topic that was followed up on is Medication adherence to the elderly 50 and above. If you need additional weeks worked on, do not hesitate to ask me to complete the assignment. Thank you for all you do.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
DNP Project Defended Author’s Name The Institutional Affiliation Course Number and Name Instructor Name Assignment Due Date 1 Medication adherence is the timing, dosage, and frequency at which healthcare professionals can consume medications as prescribed. It is significant for older people with chronic illnesses (Walsh et al., 2019). Patient health, treatment, and disease symptoms are directly linked with medication adherence. Strict medication adherence is required to improve patient health and decrease the mortality and hospitalization ratio. 2 Non-adherence to the medication by older age may be due to the specific health challenges they face daily, including demanding medicine schedules and cognitive impairment, which may result in errors. Non-adherence problems are common in older people, which is unsuitable for their overall health (Liu et al., 2023). Walsh et al. (2019) illustrated the relationship between mortality rates, hospitalizations, and non-compliance with medicines, highlighting the need for specific strategies to address these issues among older people. 3 The primary challenge is that this non-compliance with the medicines affects explicitly people 50 years or above because this age group needs help to track their medicines and dosage. Nguyen et al. (2024) predicted that 50% of the population is affected by a similar issue due to a lack of support from the healthcare facilities and limited knowledge of handling the self-management and monitoring system. Complex instructions and cognitive issues further intensify the condition. People's cognitive abilities often deteriorate as they age, making non-adherence more common. Due to this, this population experiences a considerable increase in the expense of healthcare, as well as a higher hospitalization rate and higher frequency of morbidity. It demonstrates the importance of medicine that works well to enhance this population's health. 4 Lack of health care professionals is one of the major issues contributing to this non-adherence because most older people reside for their treatments in community living centres, nursing homes, and outpatient clinics, and most non-adherence cases have been observed here. 5 There are some common reasons for medication non-adherence; one of them is polypharmacy, which causes difficulty in the management of multiple medications, in turn leading to mistakes and confusion. Another reason is Cognitive decline, which creates hurdles in remembering the timing and dosage of medication of the concerned. Furthermore, a lack of support from caregivers results in less effective monitoring. It is also important to highlight that in some cases, the high costs of medications result in non-adherence, which saves money and rations out the dosage to last longer (Rasu et al., 2021). In addition to this, the inability to properly educate in health care adds to the overall non-adherence to medication by this demographic. Also, the lack of knowledge for self-management and lack of consideration about the telehealth facilities impact the well-being of the patients, especially in isolated places. 6 Some ways to improve this are proper education of patients, ease of medication schedule, and active role from a caregiver. The more the patient is aware, the easier it is to manage and adhere to the schedule and dosage, as otherwise, old-aged patients will be overwhelmed (Aremu et al., 2022). Making the schedule and dosage of the medication simple can help the elderly keep their adherence to the medication (Emad...
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