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Guidelines for Community Health Project: Suicide Among Teenagers and Youth in Alaska

Essay Instructions:

Nursing 444 – Population-Focused Community Health Nursing

Guidelines for Community Health Project


This project is designed to help the student understand how major health concepts are applied within the discipline of nursing to meet health care needs of a population at risk (PAR) in the community. The project provides students the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to synthesize information about the interrelationships between public health science, nursing, health policy, and health care services into community-based interventions.

The specific purpose of the project is to provide the student with an opportunity to use the nursing process to provide an assessment, community-based diagnosis, planning strategies, interventions that are evidence-based and a strategy for evaluation in providing care for a PAR.

The project must be developed and implemented as part of the clinical experience. Although the assessment, diagnosis and planning component must be done at the clinical site, the student may use a proposed approach in designing the interventions.

In other words, the student may provide interventions that are not necessarily implemented or evaluated during the short 45-hour period for clinical. Nonetheless, the student still needs to formulate interventions and strategies for evaluation. This is a project that is developed throughout the semester.

Students are encouraged to submit their paper to the writing center before submitting. This is the one AND ONLY one paper that must be in perfect APA format without any grammar errors and written in professional tone.

Use the major headings on the following pages as your headings for your paper.

Your Community-Based Diagnosis (WRITE ABOUT BELOW -HIGHLIGHTED)

Increased risk of suicide among teenagers and youth in Alaska Native communities of Northern and Southwest regions of Alaska state related to depression as evidenced by crude rate 44.2 in 2018.

Some references must be APA 7th edition



N444- Population-Focused Community Health Nursing

Health Education Program Evaluation Form



Using the collected data, identify the priority community health problems and formulate one community diagnosis. Important to remember the diagnosis MUST HAVE ALL four components required of a community diagnosis. See Nies, Chapter 6 for more details.

(Less than 1 page)



Contains up-to-date, high levels of evidence from peer-reviewed sources.

APA & Professional Tone Required!

Please note the following points are deducted from the paper for each and every instance.


Do not use any pronouns (they, them, their, it, we, etc). -1/4

Proper font and size throughout paper -1/4

Running head/page number-proper format, font and size -1

Missing Title on second page; or mismatch with running head -1

Do not use “was” or “were”—only use “is” and “are” -1/4

Do not use “be” or “been”—only write in active voice—not passive voice -1/4

Do not use abbreviations in Title or Running head or for publications in references -1

Check to make sure your running head matches your title; use proper levels of headings. No headings=loss of major points.

Multiple Points

References from any source without a date of publication (N.D.) -5 points

No headings/subheadings -25 points

Using Wiki or other junk sources to guide project. -50 points

Any passages plagiarized to = 1 or more sentences:

1) Academic Integrity Violation

2) 0/150

3) Automatic Course Failure

APA, Grammar & Professional Tone Reminder

1. Apply proper italics and capitalization per APA requirements. Remember, THERE IS a difference between in text and the reference section as far as capitalization of names of articles.

2. Whenever citing something EXACT in the body of the paper, ALWAYS cite a reference WITH A PAGE NUMBER. This includes anything from an article with A NUMBER as NUMBERS ARE ALWAYS precise.

3. Write out all number less than ten.

4. For reference section, double check to make sure if you are referencing from a specific URL as in retrieving something, you cite a specific retrieval date. Otherwise, use a doi.

5. ONLY USE articles that pertain to NURSING practice.

6. Whenever starting a new paragraph, at the first writing of information from a source ALWAYS cite the reference. That way, you are covered for documenting at least once, in a paragraph from a source.

7. NEVER USE DIRECT QUOTES—At this level of your education you should paraphrase ALWAYS. Citing direct quotes means you do not have a grasp of the material, which requires the parroting of material.

8. Double and triple check your references to make sure all material is cited properly within the text as well as within the reference section.

9. If you are listing a direct internet source in which you retrieved article YOU MUST cite the retrieval date.

10. At least three sentences for each and every paragraph.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Suicide Among Teenagers and Youth in Alaska
Institution Affiliation:
Suicide Among Teenagers and Youth in Alaska
Suicide cases are reported mainly from Indian American and Alaska Native communities in the overall United States of America. Suicide is the second leading cause of death among youths ranging from fifteen to twenty-four years. Associations to Adverse Childhood experiences such as physical, psychological, and sexual abuse, living with substance abusers, violence against mother and kids expose victims to high chances of committing suicide. “Increased risk of suicide among teenagers and youth in Alaska Native communities of Northern and Southwest regions of Alaska state related to depression as evidenced by crude rate 44.2 in 2018.” Interventions such as social-ecological framework, suicide response strategies, and health infrastructure and availability, access, and utilization of behavioral health service in Alaska offer an opportunity to curb numerous suicide cases.
The social-ecological framework relates suicide with the individual decision and symptoms of a larger community. Alaska Natives face community disorganizati...
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