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Bronfenbrenner’s Bioecological Theory

Essay Instructions:
Almost all patient assessments include information on a patient's work/family history, their cultural background, their educational experiences, and key events in their life. In the language of our Bioecological Theory, a patient's contexts are important.

Since you are now knowledgeable healthcare professionals, your task (as a group) is to create a relatively short factsheet with information about this theory and how it can be used in healthcare settings. You are writting for individuals with NO knowledge of this theory.


Open the Factsheet (attached).

Complete the Information requested in 1 and 2 (all of the other general directions on the factsheet can be deleted before you submit the assignment).

Submit the completed factsheet (assignment) to Teams.

Please note the following expectations for your work on this assignment:

Download and edit, as a team, the attached factsheet.

All work on the factsheet must be done in Teams.

This is a group assignment, so there will be one submission per group.

Each member of the team is expected to contribute to the assignment.

Please provide your group name and the names of all individuals who worked on the assignment on the form.

You will need citations and references. Use APA formatting for both of these.

Assume your reader has NO KNOWLEDGE of any human development concept. Thus, you will need to quickly and efficiently explain key concepts on your factsheet.

TThis assignment is due by 11:59pm, Sunday, February 28, 2021

Please let me know if you have questions.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Your Group Name:
Please list each group member who participated in this assignment:
Please respond to the following two prompts (numbered 1 and 2). The goal of this assignment is to create a factsheet with research-supported information about Bronfenbrenner’s Bioecological Theory and its relevance to healthcare practice. Remember, factsheets are a means of quickly conveying information to individuals with little or no knowledge of the subject. Your target audience is individuals ages 15 and older. 1 ½ pages length max.
1) General Information about Bronfenbrenner’s Bioecological Theory:
This is where you list the major components of the Bioecological Theory and offer your own, brief explanation of each component.
Bronfenbrenner conducted essential research where he came out with essential findings illustrating the problems and challenges associated with the surrounding of an individual. Bronfenbrenner believes that individual development is mainly affected by all activities taking place in the environment. In his context, he argued that human behavior and response to certain challenges are based on the environmental activities taking place around the person. For instance, if a child is raised in an environment where there exist constant chaos and misunderstandings, then the child is likely to develop the character of causing chaos. Bronfenbrenner proved his ideas through illustrations of several instances.

In his context, Bronfenbrenner divided an individual's environment into five basic levels, which include the microsystem. Under microsystem, he explained it as the closest surrounding with which an individual always has a direct contact and in most cases include home, schools, and places of work. The places involve the family members, peers, and caregivers. Under the microsystem, people learn a lot since people tend to replicate what others are doing. Relations tend to play a key role in developing one's behavior. Besides, the mesosystem is another important aspect that has been tackled in Bronfenbrenner's context. Mesosystem consists of individual microsystem parts. In a mesosystem, an individual's microsystem does not operate independently but is interconnected. The interconnection of the microsystem influence the behavior of an individual based on what they are experiencing.
Similarly, Bronfenbrenner also talked about the exosystem, which in its case does not directly involve an individual as an active participant. Even though an individual is not directly involved in this concept, it still affects ...
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