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Advanced Urgent Care in Nursing

Essay Instructions:

Assessment 1

Care Setting Environmental Analysis


Write a 4–7-page analysis of your care setting that supports development of a strategic plan and includes both the discovery and dream phases of an appreciative inquiry (AI) project and a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis of the care setting.

Note: Each assessment in this course builds on the work you completed in the previous assessment. Therefore, you must complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented.

Identifying analysis techniques for assessing competitive advantage is important for building health care strategy. Sustaining health care competitive advantage requires that leaders understand environmental demands to assist with minimizing weakness and threats from the external environment. This assessment provides you with an opportunity to examine your health care environment to determine whether what is being accomplished in your organization, department, team, community project, or other care setting is making a positive difference.

Questions to Consider Questions to Consider

As you prepare to complete this assessment, you may want to think about other related issues to deepen your understanding or broaden your viewpoint. You are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professional community. Note that these questions are for your own development and exploration and do not need to be completed or submitted as part of your assessment.

One key aspect to being an effective leader, manager, or administrator is an awareness of your leadership strengths, weaknesses, and style.

• How would you assess your general leadership, communication, and relationship-building skills?

• How would describe your leadership style?

Imagine the future for a care setting that is your place of practice or one in which you would like to work.

• What aspirational goals can you envision that would lead to improvements in health care quality and safety?

• How well do these goals align with the mission, vision, and values of your care setting?


Suggested Resources

The resources provided here are optional. You may use other resources of your choice to prepare for this assessment; however, you will need to ensure that they are appropriate, credible, and valid. The MSN-FP6210: Leadership and Management for Nurse Executives Library Guide can help direct your research, and the Supplemental Resources and Research Resources, both linked from the left navigation menu in your courseroom, provide additional resources to help support you.

Appreciative Inquiry and SWOT

• MacCoy, D. J. (2014). Appreciative inquiry and evaluation – Getting to what works. The Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation, 29(2), 104–127.

• Nursing Leadership: Present and Future Needs | Transcript.

• Appreciative Inquiry: Core Concepts | Transcript.

o Review the section on the dream stage of appreciative inquiry.

• Vila Health: Comparing AI and SWOT | Transcript.

o This media simulation walks you through a scenario within the Vila Health system that will enable you to analyze a situation in a care setting through both AI and SWOT lenses.

• Vila Health: Appreciative Inquiry or SWOT? | Transcript.

o This media piece presents various brief scenarios in which either appreciative inquiry or SWOT is the more appropriate approach.

• TOWS Analysis in Action: Going Beyond the SWOT Analysis | Transcript.

o This media piece will help you to gain a better understanding of the considerations, categorizations, and applications of SWOT analyses.

Strategic Planning

• Deisher, M. (2013). A systems change: Leading the way to meeting health needs. Journal of Hand Therapy, 26(3), 282–285, 286.

o This article illustrates how strategic planning has been used to implement a new program in a clinic.

Leadership Characteristics and Skills

Any of the following resources are useful in analyzing leadership characteristics and skills:

• Grossman, S. C., & Valiga, T. M. (2012). The new leadership challenge: Creating the future of nursing. Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis Company.

o Chapter 2, "The World and New Leadership: Changing our Thinking About Leadership."

This chapter may help you with an analysis of the leadership characteristics and skills most desired in a person leading potential performance improvement projects.

• American College of Healthcare Executives. (2016). ACHE healthcare executive 2016 competencies assessment tool [PDF]. Retrieved from http://www(dot)ache(dot)org/pdf/nonsecure/careers/competencies_booklet.pdf

o Competency areas A–C (including all sub-points as laid out in the ACHE self-assessment) in the Communication and Relationship Management theme.

o Competency areas A–D (all sub-points as laid out in the ACHE self-assessment) in the Leadership theme.

• American Organization of Nurse Executives. (2015). Nurse executive competencies [PDF]. Retrieved from http://www(dot)aone(dot)org/resources/nec.pdf

o Competency areas A–G in section 1, the Communication and Relationship Building theme.

o Competency areas A–E in section 3, the Leadership theme.

Assessment Instruction

Note: You will use the results of this analysis to develop a strategic plan in Assessment 2.


You have been asked to conduct an analysis of your care setting that will result in two potential pathways toward a strategic plan to improve health care quality and safety in your organization, department, team, community project, or other care setting. To accomplish this, you will take two approaches to the analysis:

1. Complete the discovery and dream phases of an appreciative inquiry (AI) project.

2. Conduct a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis.

To help ensure that your analysis is well-received, the requester has suggested that you:

• Present your analysis results in four parts:

Part 1: Appreciative Inquiry Discovery and Dream.

Part 2: SWOT Analysis.

Part 3: Comparison of Approaches.

Part 4: Analysis of Relevant Leadership Characteristics and Skills.

• Your analysis should be 4–7 pages in length.

Analysis Requirements

Note: The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide, so at a minimum, be sure to address each point. In addition, you are encouraged to review the performance level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.

Writing, Supporting Evidence, and APA Style

• Communicate professionally when conducting interviews and collecting data.

• Write clearly, with professionalism and respect for stakeholders and colleagues.

• Integrate relevant sources of evidence to support your assertions.

o Cite at least 3–5 sources of scholarly or professional evidence.

o Include relevant interview information.

• Format your document using APA style. The APA Style Paper Template and associated tutorial, linked in the Resources, are provided for your use. Be sure to include:

o A title page and reference page. An abstract is not required.

o A running head on all pages.

o Appropriate section headings.

o Properly formatted citations and references.

• Proofread your writing to minimize errors that could distract readers and make it more difficult to focus on the substance of your analysis.

Part 1: Appreciative Inquiry Discovery and Dream

• Synthesize stories and evidence about times when a care setting performed at its best with regard to quality and safety goals.

o Collect stories from your care setting. You may collect stories through interviews or conversations with colleagues or provide your own.

o Explain how your stories are related to quality and safety goals.

o Describe the evidence you have that substantiates your stories.

o Identify the positive themes reflected in your stories.

o Describe other evidence (for example: data, awards, accreditations) that validates your care setting's positive core.

• Propose positive, yet attainable, quality and safety improvement goals for your care setting.

o Explain how accomplishing these goals will lead to ethical and culturally-sensitive improvements in quality and safety.

o Explain how your proposed goals align with your care setting's mission, vision, and values.

Part 2: SWOT Analysis

• Conduct a SWOT analysis of your care setting, with respect to quality and safety goals.

o Provide a narrative description of your analysis.

o Identify the assessment tool you used as the basis of your analysis.

o Describe your key findings and their relationships to quality and safety goals.

• Describe one area of concern that you identified in your SWOT analysis—relevant to your care setting's mission, vision, and values—for which you would propose pursuing improvements.

o Explain how this area of concern relates to your care setting's mission, vision, and values.

o Explain why you believe it will be necessary and valuable to pursue improvements related to this area of concern.

Part 3: Comparison of Approaches

Compare the AI and SWOT approaches to analysis and reflect on the results.

• Describe your mindset when examining your care setting from an AI perspective and from a SWOT perspective.

• Describe the types of data and evidence you searched for when taking an AI approach and a SWOT approach.

• Describe the similarities and differences between the two approaches when communicating and interacting with colleagues.

Part 4: Analysis of Relevant Leadership Characteristics and Skills

Analyze the leadership characteristics and skills most desired in the person leading potential performance improvement projects, taking both an AI and SWOT approach.

• Explain how these characteristics and skills would help a leader facilitate a successful AI-based project and a successful SWOT-based project.

• Comment on any shared characteristics or skills you identified as helpful for both AI and SWOT approaches.

N.B Please address all assessment instructions and scoring guide (see the attached files).

Thank you,

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Your Name
Subject and Section
Professor’s Name
Advanced Urgent Care Nursing
Urgent care refers to the health services provided for walk-in patients with non-life-threatening cases. One of the primary healthcare professionals who attend to patients in urgent care includes advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) (Ruegg, 2013).
APRNs’ primary objective in an urgent care setting is to provide prompt support to walk-in patients to prevent the deterioration of their acute condition. This reduces the frequency of emergency department visits of the patients (Ruegg, 2013).
Appreciative Inquiry (AI) Discovery and Dream
The AI approach is utilized to emphasize an organization’s strengths and use these to promote an overall system change. It focuses on the positive rather than the negative aspects within an organization and applies a traditional, problem-focused strategy (Knox et al., 2015).
Affirmative Topic
The first step is to recognize the weaknesses in the organization that needs to be addressed. This is called the affirmative topic in AI (Scott et al., 2009). Based on the information gathered through staff and patient interviews, our facility’s affirmative topic pertains to healthcare providers and environmental sufficiency. Here, the primary problem is the disproportion between the number of patients and the health care providers, which leads to a higher turnover of nurses. The other problem is the low environmental and equipment maintenance, which is also a result of the reduced number of service attendants.
The staff interview revealed that the nurses and other staff suffer from high workload and stress due to the gradually increasing numbers of walk-in patients. The staff already directed their concerns to the management and asked for the following: 1) salary increase; 2) Decreased workload distribution, or 3) Hire more nurse staff. The low equipment maintenance also contributes to the staff’s workload because they need to call for maintenance or make referrals and double their time after the equipment is fixed. From here, we can formulate the question, how can we develop a comprehensive approach that shall provide our staff’s better experiences and engagement?
The 4D Cycle
These are the main steps in the AI approach. Each D represents the following: discovery, dream, design, and destiny. Discovery refers to how a leader determines the current situation’s best experiences (Knox et al., 2015). Our organization is composed of highly equipped health professionals. They are highly trained and graduated with advanced degrees (i.e., masters and doctoral degrees). The staff is also resilient and flexible, who can adapt to changing environments.
The second step is dreaming, which inspires to construct a vision that can improve the facility (Knox et al., 2015). Our facility’s appropriate dreams are to create room for personal growth and development for the healthcare and non-healthcare-related staff and promote high-quality care to patients.
The third step is designing. The design must adhere to the administrative, social, and clinical infrastructure and connect it with the mentioned visions. Specifically, it involves constructing urgent care facility policies, procedures, social norms, and values to transform the vision into an operational plan (Knox et al., 2015).
A new patient care process and a strategic healthcare delivery are central to the design of our facility. The stakeholders who shall play a role in this plan are the patients, healthcare and non-healthcare-related staff, and the health administrator. The provocative plan of our facility is as follows:
[Insert the name of the facility] is an organization that aims to provide excellent health services to patients with the most efficient time and least health costs. The facility offers opportunities to improve efficiency by continuously transforming the patient care process, thereby improving care delivery. Our organization provides training and continuing education to our staff to progress our knowledge and skills to attend to their needs. Furthermore, our organization is open to innovative ideas that can provide learning opportunities to all the stakeholders.
Destiny is the final stage of the 4D Model. Here, we shall initiate meetings to form teams responsible for implementing the plans. This step requires a leader who shall act as the primary designer and implementor of the plan. The leader shall also preside all the meetings and create teams and subleaders who shall strategize each team’s actions. Based on our situation, three teams shall be formed for the following: 1) Staff needs assessment, 2) Patient needs assessment, 3) Environment needs assessment. All teams shall enumerate the issues and formulate solutions for each. Afterward, the teams, together wi...
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