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EOH Case 2 Fishing And Swimming In The Lake. Health, Medicine Paper

Essay Instructions:

1. Explain to the park community what the risks from fishing and swimming in the lake may be, due to mercury contamination.
2. Compare the risks from being in the lake water or eating fish caught in the lake, for different types of lake users (pregnant women, young children, older children, adults).3. Prepare a list of recommendations and organize the list by potential uses of lake water and consumption offish caught in the lake.


Assignment OverviewYou are an Environmental Health Specialist in the public health department of the county where you reside. The city council is concerned about mercury pollution in a local lake area that is a major fishing and camping recreational attraction and brings many visitors.
Case Assignment
Your task in this Case Assignment is to:
1. Explain to the park community what the risks from fishing and swimming in the lake may be, due to mercury contamination.
2. Compare the risks from being in the lake water or eating fish caught in the lake, for different types of lake users (pregnant women, young children, older children, adults).3. Prepare a list of recommendations and organize the list by potential uses of lake water and consumption offish caught in the lake.

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EOH Case
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Mercury is a by-product of utilities and different types of factories which remain in the environment for long (2016). When it comes o the ground, bacteria convert it to toxins that can be absorbed by muscles in no time. Then the mercury moves through the food chain and eventually accumulates in the bodies of sea-animals especially fish. The more the amount of mercury is, the higher are our chances of falling ill because of the consumption of sea-animals. Fishing and swimming in the lake can be risky because of the high concentration of mercury. It can lead to kidney problems, mental abnormalities, and damages to the central nervous system. Even when we do not consume seafood, swimming in the same pool where mercury is present is unsafe.
A large number of people in different parts of the world are exposed to mercury due to the consumption of fish such as tuna and via sport fishing; sport fishing is done in polluted water bodies on a regular basis. The polluted polls contain excessive bacteria, debris and other particles that are harmful to human health. If someone swims in the depth of the water, they may have to suffer from injuries because of its shallowness. In addition, swimming in pools that are close to industrial areas can cause various health problems, as chemicals are discharged in those pools every day. Sometimes, dead vegetation or animal bodies are also present in these pools that cause the smell. Thus, it is important to swim in pools that are located in areas approved by local jurisdictions. Skin rashes, itching, and headache are likely to be caused when a person swims in mercury-polluted water.
Mercury is widely known for its toxic impacts on human behavior...
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