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Chemical Hazards in the Workplace: A Case of Sign Source USA, Inc. (Lima, OH)

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Chemical Hazards in the Workplace: A Case of Sign Source USA, Inc. (Lima, OH)

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Chemical Hazards in the Workplace: A Case of Sign Source USA, Inc. (Lima, OH)
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Chemical Hazards in the Workplace: A Case of Sign Source USA, Inc. (Lima, OH)
Exposure to toxic chemicals in today’s world is almost unavoidable because chemicals are all around us; ranging from the products in our homes to production methods in our workplaces. For years, the CDC has tested and documented this exposure among employees in various workplaces and established a direct connection to illness and disease. Workers in different sectors, from manufacturing to healthcare, are at an increased risk of exposure to hazardous chemicals (CDC, 2012). This paper details the harmful chemicals at Sign Source USA Inc, a wholesale sign manufacturer located in Lima, Ohio. My familiarity with Sign Source Inc. originates from the experiences of a family member who worked with the company for half a decade
An inspection of Sign Source USA Inc by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in 2016 identified the employer's failure to train employees on hazards of the chemicals in the work area. Exposure was from various organic vapors and isocyanates including xylene, n-butyl acetate among others.
Xylene is a colorless hydrocarbon with a sweet smell commonly called dimethylbenzene. Sign Source USA Inc. used it as a solvent in painting. Currently, OSHA permits an exposure limit of 100ppm as an 8-hour TWA (Time Weighted Average) concentration. Apart from exposure in the workplace, the primary way of contact is through contaminated soil with underground tanks that are leaking petroleum products (Kandyala, Raghavendra & Rajasekharan, 2010).
n-Butyl Acetate
This chemical is a colorless liquid also used as an organic solvent by Sign Source. Other uses include the manufacture of safety glass, plastic leather, lacquer, and photographic films. Studies have identified various health effects on both human and animals depending on the level of exposure of an individual. The average TWA for this chemical in 3 manufacturing companies was 0.8ppm with the highest single concentration at 6.8ppm (TOXNET, 2018).
Exposure Routes
Both OSHA and CDC identify similar routes of exposure for Xylene and n-Butyl Acetate. According to the CDC (2012), work-related exposure of n-Butyl acetate and Xylene may occur through inhalation and eye or dermal contact while using it in the workplace. The majority in the workplace is through absorption by skin or eye contact, while in public is through inhalation. Some are exposed through ingestion of food or water with the compound because both of them are soluble in water (Kandyala, Raghavendra & Rajasekharan, 2010).
Potential Health Risk
US EPA Chemical Data Reporting (2018) reports skin irritation, nausea, and headaches, skin dryness and diarrhea for individuals with mild to moderate toxicity of the two chemicals. In reproductive health, studies link Xylene to fetotoxic effects like contamination of breast milk while n-Butyl aceta...
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