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Developing a Health Promotion Program: Case of NJ Medicine Paper

Essay Instructions:

b. What are the 5 leading causes of death for your State. How do they compare with the 5 leading causes of death for the US?
c. Describe how/if the leading causes of death vary based on different demographic variables such as race, sex, and age. Be specific about which variables you looked at.
d. Based on the findings for your state, what 3 determinants of health would you choose as priorities for health promotion programs? Would you focus your


You have just been hired by your State’s health department to help develop a health promotion program. Your first assignment is to use the CDC database, WISQARS Leading Causes of Death Reports, to find out what the leading causes of death in your State are, and how different groups within your State compare to those of the State as a whole. You will use that information to decide which determinants of health your program should focus on.
Case Assignment
1. Go to http:/fimw. cdc.gov/iniury/wisaars/leadina causes death.htmi and select “Leading Causes of Death 1999 to 2016 (ICD-10), National, Regional and State (Restricted).”
2. For Report Options, select your State.
3. Scroll down to "Advanced Options" and select "Top 5" as the number of causes.
4. Look at the column on the right, labeled All Deaths, to find the top 5 causes of death.
5. Repeat those steps, but select Race, Sex, and specific Age groups on the Report Options to see how/if the leading causes of death vary among differing demographic groups.
6. In an essay, please answer the following:
a. What state did you select?
b. What are the 5 leading causes of death for your State. How do they compare with the 5 leading causes of death for the US?
c. Describe how/if the leading causes of death vary based on different demographic variables such as race, sex, and age. Be specific about which variables you looked at.
d. Based on the findings for your state, what 3 determinants of health would you choose as priorities for health promotion programs? Would you focus your


Please explain how those 3 determinants of health affect people’s behaviors in ways that promote well-being. How do they affect people's behaviors in ways that hinder well-being? Give examples and support your statements with references.

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Developing a Health Promotion Program: Case of NJ
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Developing a Health Promotion Program: Case of NJ
New Jersey has been my family’s home state for generations; thus I will be using it for this case assignment. According to the 2010 US Census, NJ had 8.7 million residents where 59% were White, 13% African American, 18% Hispanic, 8% Asian, 0.1% American Indian and Alaska Native. 94.7% of the NJ population resides in urban areas. This population is considerably high in comparison to the state’s geographical size. Reports also indicate that the median age then increased by 2.3 years from the previous census to 39 years; an indication that boomers were aging and increased life expectancy for people above 65 years (CDC, 2019)
NCHS data shows that between 1999-2016, New Jersey’s five leading Causes of Death (CoD) for all age groups, races, and sexes include Heart Disease, Malignant Neoplasms, Cerebrovascular, Chronic Low Respiratory Disease, and Unintentional Injury in descending order. The country’s five leading causes of death is identical to New Jersey’s five top CoD. The leading cause in both NJ and the U.S is heart disease following in the same order as the list above. The age-adjusted deaths for the 1996-2016 period for NJ’s five leading CoD are lower than those of the U.S for each cause (CDC, 2019).
There were slight variations in the leading CoD in both NJ and the U.S when adjusting variables such as race, sex, and age. For example, in New Jersey, Diabetes Mellitus is the fourth leading CoD among the African Americans and Asians while it is fifth among the American Indian and Alaska Native. For majority groups (such as Whites) the leading CoD remain similar to NJ’s and national. Unintentional injuries were third for males of all races in both New Jersey and the U.S while cerebrovascular dropped to the fourth leading cause in both state and country. Heart disease was the leading cause for people of all races age 65years and above and the second leading cause for two age groups, 45-54 years and 55-64 years. Its ranking dropped significantly for the younger population for both NJ and the U.S (CDC, 2019).
To address the leading CoD in NJ, my first determinant of health will be individual lifestyle factors such as diet, lack of physica...
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