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BHE 310 SLP 2 Healthy People 2020

Essay Instructions:

1. What are the “interagency workgroups” to which the speaker refers, and what is their role?
2. Where can one go to find a complete overview of each Healthy People 2020 objective?
3. What type on information on leading health indicators is provided by the National Center for Health Statistics?
4. How is progress toward Healthy People 2020 targets measured?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Healthy People 2020
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Interagency Workgroups
Healthy People 2020 (HP2020) comprises of more than 40 interagency workgroups, National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) and Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP), and National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). These interagency workshops have a number of subject experts who are able to cover the 42 topics of concerns within the Healthy People 2020 (2018). Their core focus has always been on areas like Access to Health Services, Disability and Health, Respiratory Diseases and Injury and Violence Prevention. The workgroups help identify varying data sources in order to deal with tracking issues that fall under the category of Individual Topics.
Healthy People 2020 Objectives Outlined
We can find a complete overview of the objectives of Healthy People 2020 on their official website as well as on the interactive data tool named DATA2020. In order to make it easy for people to understand what Healthy People 2020 is, the objectives are laid out in an understandable and simple language, and a target for every single objective has been presented. In addition, people who access DATA2020 can view national data as well as trends that have been tracked by Healthy People 2020. The data has been divided into several demographics like sex, race, income, ethnicity, and others. It is updated on a regular basis, processed and analyzed for its effectiveness, and is separated to create a friendly user interface.
Health Statistics
Some of the questions the NCHS seeks to...
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