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The Effect of Nurse-Led Interventions on CAUTIs

Essay Instructions:

Good afternoon, you will be the person I will work this for my 3 classes.

for this class ((2023-1-BSN355)) please make sure to name the paper with this class number 2023-1-BSN355 you will start with this template and in 2 weeks you will use this template to write ( Assignment - Capstone Project Proposal Literature ) I will give you the instructions once it’s open. Please call me if you have questions.

Complete the Capstone Project Template Draft

Use this template to complete the assignment BSN355 Capstone Project Proposal Template Download BSN355 Capstone Project Proposal Template.

What is the project question? In other words what are you ultimately trying to figure out?

What is the title of your project?

Who will benefit from your project?

Where are the people located that will benefit from your project?

What date do you plan on implementing your project?

How long will your project take from beginning to end?

Budget requirements of your project (How much money will it take to implement your project?)

Why did you decide to do this project?

What do you hope to achieve by doing this project?

What do you need to do to help you complete this project?

Will your project have long term effect? If so. What are they? If none. Why not?

Will the project be sustainable? If so. How will you sustain the project?

How will your project be evaluated?

Are there any risks associated with the project?

Is there anything that may prevent your project form succeeding? If so, what?

This draft copy may be changed throughout the semester as you develop your project proposal.

Draft copy will be submitted by Sunday 11:59 week 4

Final copy will be submitted in week 13.

Make sure you keep a copy of your assignments and discussion questions from this course, they will be used in the BSN 435, Scholarship and Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing and BSN 485 Capstone Leadership.

BSN355 Capstone Project Proposal Template revised 9.2022-4.docx

Essay Sample Content Preview:

BSN355 Capstone Project Proposal Plan
What is the project question (PICOT)? In other words, what are you ultimately trying to figure out? Address in P-I-C-O-T format first, then a narrative description.

P- In the post-acute care unit (PACU), adult patients with indwelling urinary catheters
I - How does evidence-centered nurse-led program interventions
C – Compared to ordinary care affect
O – Occurrence and ratio of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTIs)
T – In seven months
CAUTIs are among the five hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) integrated into the quality procedures and scoring of hospitals by CMS (DePuccio et al., 2020). CAUTIs are the most common HAIs types, mainly caused by bacteria transmission t the urinary tract through Foley catheters (F/C). PACU offers diverse post-acute services to patients admitted to the unit.

What is the title of your project? Be specific and concise.

The effect of nurse-led interventions on CAUTIs.
Nurses are vital in offering safe, quality care to patients with indwelling F/C during hospitalization (Kayem & Hassan, 2022). Nursing care for patients with indwelling catheters entails offering evidence-centered practice to guarantee the reduction of CAUTI cases and augment patient safety.

Who will benefit from your project?

The patients who are admitted to PACU and the entire hospital.
CAUTI cause amplified disease, death, and length of stay for patients. In addition, the hospital also incurs expenses per infection. The hospital also has an extra cost with Hospital-Acquired Condition Decline Program (HACRP), whereby hospitals are subjected to a one percent reduction in CMS if the hospital is categorized within the worst twenty-five percent ranked hospitals premised on quality measures scores. CAUTI is one of the quality measures scores used by CMS (Menegueti et al., 2019).

Where are the people located that will benefit from your project?

The patients admitted to PACU will benefit from this project.
One of the most prevalent patterns indicated in the PACU unit is that nurses have communication gaps with doctors to instigate removal of F/C, no F/C indication, and nurses neglect to remove F/C regardless of having a policy in place (Tyson et al., 2020). Also, the nurses are not well acquainted with F/C guidelines and policies. Therefore, training the PACU staff will enable them to give quality care to patients that will lessen diseases and length of stay.

What date do you plan on implementing your project? If you plan to implement this in BSN485, please specify that here.

I do not have the expected data, but I believe in one year.

How long will your project take (from beginning to end)?

I will need approximately two years to collect the correct data for this project.

Budget requirements of your project (how much money will it take to implement it)? Please note that this is a proposal; you will not fund this project.

The approximate amount to implement the project is $5000.

Why did you decide to do this project?

I decided to do this project because, in the hospital where I work as a data entry officer, the CAUTIs rate has risen more than the federal average since last year. The fishbone tool consultants employed to establish causes of high CAUTIs indicated a lack o...
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