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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Discussion Topic. Nursing shortage. Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay

Essay Instructions:

Submit a summary of six of your articles (articles MUST be on NURSING SHORTAGE) on the discussion board. Discuss one strength and one weakness to each of these six articles on why the article may or may not provide sufficient evidence for your practice change. Articles must be scholarly or journal articles.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Nursing shortage
Nursing shortages is a critical issue that is being faced by countries around the world. Communities all over the world are facing the challenge of growing health care needs and a diminishing number of nurses. There are various factors that contribute to the current nurse shortage. Shortage of nurse issue is occurring when the majority of the nurses are retiring while opportunities within healthcare are expanding.
In Lisa M. Haddad and Tammy J. Toney-Butler article on Nursing shortage, the nursing profession is facing shortages as a result of the lack of potential educators, inequitable workforce distribution, and high turnover, (Haddad, & Toney-Butler, 2018). The article explores causes that are related to nursing shortage and areas of concern. According to the article, potential reasons including, aging population, aging workforce, nurse burnout, career and family, regions, growth and violence in healthcare settings. The potential reasons for nurses to leave nursing affect staffing ratios which are of clinical concern. The issues that are also experienced include technology and empowerment issues. The article provides clinical significance and it also provides sufficient evidence for practice change.
In the article the nursing shortage by Potera C. in the AJN American Journal of Nursing, the growing demands of nursing services have to be addressed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The U.S. needs 1.2 million new RNs to meet the nursing needs where 500,00 will replace the nurses leaving the practice and 700,00 will meet the growing demands of nursing services, (Potera, 2009). The states began addressing the issue of nursing shortage through programs that boost the numbers of nurses. Redesigning work settings and workloads to suit older, experienced nurses is a way of slowing down retirement losses. The article does not inform about the causes of shortages of nurses.
The article Solving nursing shortages by Buchan and Aiken in the Journal of clinical nursing highlights the challenges of nursing shortages and points out the policy agenda which provides workable solutions, (Buchan, & Aiken, 2008). Main causes or nursing shortage include inadequate workforce plan...
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